T25 Question about muscle building?

I have just started T25 and after reading some of the reviews and results i am now wondering if its for me.

I am 36 and basically my body type is what you would probably call 'skinny fat' (if that makes sense) i have always been quite skinny but over the last five years i have gone sort of medium build up top skinny on the legs and a little bit of a belly in the middle (mostly from beer i have to say). I started T25 with the main purpose of getting rid of my (small but obvious gut) but i also wanted to build some muscle, nothing serious but just a little bit athletic looking and a foundation to maybe make me more confident in going to the gym etc.

What i want to know is this. I have read some reviews (after purchasing and starting T25 unfortunately) and i am now wondering if i may go too far the other way, ie burn off not only the fat i have but also the small amount of muscle i do actually have..

Any advice would be great thanks.


  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    • All exercise breaks down muscle for energy.
    • Some exercise, often called weight lifting, creates microscopic tears, that when repaired during rest leads to muscle growth.
    • To do this you should be using the anaerobic energy chain (glycogen stored in the muscles).
    • Any exercise where you can do more than 20 reps straights uses the aerobic chain (fat and oxygen) and won't lead to muscle growth.
    Not sure what exercises are in T25, but with the above information you should be able to answer that question.
  • flacko79
    flacko79 Posts: 6 Member
    Ok, it safe to say from these comments that T25 is not adequate for muscle building.
  • flacko79
    flacko79 Posts: 6 Member
    T25 is mostly fat burning cardio style workouts, with some leg and ab work. Probably the best thing is to supplement this with some weights work.
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    It's a shame T25 is not what you were hoping as it is quite an investment. How about start a progressive lifting routine and use the T25 workouts to supplement this, especially those workouts which most suit your needs. That way it won't be wasted money. I tend to make up my own 4 weekly routines incorporating various exercise DVD's, cycling, yoga and strength training depending on what I want to concentrate on that month. Weight or condition. I was seriously thinking of ordering T25 myself but I am more concerned with strength and body comp now as my cardio is covered with cycling. Good luck.
  • transgeek
    transgeek Posts: 5 Member
    I have T25 and love it. In order to "build" muscle, you will need to get the Gamma version (which is separate)...where all the workouts except for Speed 3 are weighted. You will need to tweak calories to add muscle. Hope this helps.
  • kailyw05
    kailyw05 Posts: 80 Member
    I am currently in my last week of the Gamma Phase in T25, so I've been at this program nearly 14 weeks now. I am not sure how muscular you are looking to get, but I think this program did wonders for my muscles. I would say this program is designed for beginners. It progresses at a good pace to get you from completely out of shape to decently in shape. If you're already quite fit/muscular you probably won't get much out of the program to be honest.

    The Alpha phase is mostly for building your foundation. If you are pretty out of shape this phase is awesome for getting your cardio, legs/glutes and abs ready for the more intense phases of the workouts. I started out modifying a lot of the moves and was able to complete most moves my the end without modifying.

    The Beta phase is where things get more into strength. Your cardio moves get quicker, and you also incorporate some strength training in the circuit video. A lot of the moves are indeed body weight exercises, but the variations of push ups in the videos (oblique knee pushups, spider pushups, jack feet pushups) as well as the burpees, squats and lunges are no joke. You will still improve your strength drastically in this phase.

    The Gamma Phase is extra but entirely worth it if you are looking for strength. There is actually very little cardio in this phase. The amount of weight you choose to lift will affect how much muscle you develop. You also have the option to use a chin up bar for some moves for added intensity. I am in week 4 of gamma and am still modifying moves here, so I definitely have a ways to go to improve.

    I think the program will offer whatever you put into it. If I were you I would stick it out, as it really improves your overall speed and agility, cardio, and core strength. The muscles in my legs are starting to show, my abs are definitely stronger (though I still have a stubborn fat layer covering them I'm working on), and my arms are looking more defined as well. Shaun T is really motivating and I am very happy with my results! I hope this was helpful for you. Give it a try. 10 weeks (or 14 with Gamma) is really not that long, and it will at the very least prepare you for a more intense strength training program later on.

    I do have progress photos, but I am currently at work and can't post them. I can post them later if you're interested! I started the Alpha phase at 143 lbs and I currently weight 131 lbs after 13.5 weeks ( I am a 5'4 female). I haven't done my final measurements yet.
  • flacko79
    flacko79 Posts: 6 Member
    Brilliant repay kailyw05, i think I will stick with it as I am enjoying it, I am fairly active anyway. I run and do taekwondo, but as I said I'm quite thin but have developed a bit of a belly lately which I want to get rid of, I also want to build up my general strength not become muscular per say, which to be fair this sounds like it will do. Thanks all.
  • flacko79
    flacko79 Posts: 6 Member
    Ps is always good to see some genuine before and after photos
  • flacko79
    flacko79 Posts: 6 Member
    I will definitely try Gamma, a worthwhile investment considering I only paid £35 for t25 on eBay anyway.
  • kailyw05
    kailyw05 Posts: 80 Member
    As I promised, here are my photos. In order from left to right they show the start of alpha, the start of beta, and the end of gamma.
    I lost 2.5 inches in both my hips and waist, and 2 inches off my chest. I suppose it's hard to tell I've gained much muscle from the pictures, but I definitely feel a big improvement!
