

  • Good luck Chris!
  • Keep your chin up! You are not a failure! You are still making good choices. It is hard to change your lifestyle at once with healthy eating and exercise, so I commend you on sticking to your healthy eating. Gradually get your workouts in and the weight will start melting away. Our TOM is always a speedbump eery month, but…
  • Hi Jenny! I found MFP the same way (iPhone), and am very excited about what it can offer for everyone! I have ben on weight watchers for the past 6 weeks, but my trainer at the gym wants me to start counting calories instead so here we go! Today is my first day as well! Best of luck to you! Stephanie
  • I am new to MFP and would LOVE to join this group. I need to some accountability and some encouragement to keep me going to hit my goal! How do you join the group?