I think I hit a 32" waist at around 12 years old. Looking to be at 34 by this Easter.
Since I don't see any obvious bulls in the barn, I'll join this challenge. misterkinsey - Alan - December 18 - Cary, NC
Amen! I had an amazing transformation when I hit 60 (I'll be 63 in December). I realized that I no longer gave a flying crap about impressing anyone. My basic philosophy is, "if you don't like the way I look, avert your eyes." I know I'm not the stud muffin I was in college or even the attractive middle aged guy I used to…
I have to weigh in on this one more time ... just to share an event that happened today while I was out riding. I went out this morning just as folks were getting out of Sunday morning services so I anticipated good vibes from everyone. I was riding on a heavily traveled road when a car came by and the passenger shouted at…
Let me add to my last post ... Many people have suggested music but I'd recommend limiting electronics. Rather than being distracted by some inane noise being pumped into your head, you may be better served by paying attention to yourself, your thoughts, and your surroundings. I have found that I enjoy my bike rides more…
Based on your picture, I am significantly older than you so let me offer the wisdom of age. I hope it is helpful. The big question you have to ask yourself is, "Who really gives a rat's rosy rear what anyone thinks of you as you are running?" If anyone actually notices you, they are likely to think one of several things.…
I am not, by any means, an expert on mental health so anything I say is based on personal experience. Everyone (at least most folks) have a bit of depression from time to time; but for some it is a clinical issue. I trust that you have sought the professional help of a physician/psychiatrist. I made an interesting…
Indeed, I do. Keeps me honest and keeps me on track. It also helps me plan my day to make sure I don't get hungry, thence, tempted to eat outside my plan. While I find the use of electronics reprehensible while dining out with my wife and friends, I have to admit that I tend to use my iPhone to log my meals when I order at…