

  • I agree partially- I've started p90x multiple times but only made it to the 5th week. I love the workouts- but I TOTALLY agree about the meal plans- they're very difficult to follow. I'm running now, but next week will try p90x again, only replacing my meal plan with tracking my meals here. They need to simplify their…
  • I like dinky dot! I'm 5' 1 if i stand up REALLY tall.. it is true- we have no where to hide any weight. I was well overweight at 135, working my way back down. I am ok with being short, except, when I can't reach the top shelf at the grocery store.. but then again, it's a great opportunity to reach for that top shelf when…
  • ...same scenario here- chips in the cupboard. HOWEVER, I tossed them last night- almost full- in the garbage. I know my husband will be looking for them- but I felt this is better for me as well as him! This is my first day..