

  • Way cool (literally)! Good work and particularly good motivation!
  • Fabulous, you look mahvelous, you know what I am saying to you?
  • Great story, makes me want to keep going, and I don't have near the challenges that Bryan had. Thanks for sharing.
  • Very good, sounds like we started in the same boat - 235ish now 226 - goal weight 180. Seeing you do it makes me feel like I can too. Great work!!
  • I'm with you! Don't know how many times I've started over, but this time I'm sticking with it. Good idea with the rewards! I know we can do it, I've got about 40 pounds to go, so I need the encouragement as well.
  • Hi from an "older loser"! I'm 64 and have lost 24 pounds since starting My fitness Plan. I got off track a bit, otherwise I would have lost more, but am now back on the righteous path! This site makes it much easier to keep track. Good luck to you and congratulations.
  • Hi! Remember this is a lifestyle. I started in March of this year and have lost 21 pounds, I have about 20 more to go. I tried so many things and could never stick with them. With MFP, you can pretty much eat what you want as long as you limit the caloric intake and do your exercise. Moderation is the key! If I can do it,…
  • I started in April 2011 and have lost 14 pounds eating the same things as before (watching the calories) but adding exercise. It all boils down to calories in and calories out. I look at it as a calorie checkbook - keep too much in and the checkbook gets fat - good for money but not for calories! You want to keep a…
  • For me, getting started was the tough part. I've tried lots of things and they would work for a week or two then I would succumb to "who cares"! My daughter told me about this site and I'm sure glad she did. I can't believe the support and how well this program works. I am now to the point of feeling guilty if I don't log…