Does what you eat matter?

macenro Posts: 160
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
I am really poor at the moment since I am still in the phase of my life when I am just getting out of college and getting into the real world. The lack of money and my long list of allergies are really limiting what I can eat. What I was wondering is:

If I exercise and limit my calorie intake does it really matter that much what I eat?

I know that I can't eat 1700 calories in candy and ice cream, but will I still lose weight eating macaroni and cheese and hot dogs and cheap things that I can afford to buy? Feel free to message me or friend me. I'd like to get people to talk to on here.

*I have OAS which makes me unable to eat most fresh fruits and vegetables. It makes it so at best I can eat canned fruits and vegetables which are not all that good for you. Some of my other allergies are eggs, honey, milk, and shellfish*


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    How much do you spend weekly on food before starting a "diet"? eating healthy doesnt have to be expensive.
  • LaurieBLouise
    LaurieBLouise Posts: 48 Member
    it does matter, because you want to watch your fat and salt intake just as much as calorie intake. it really doesn't have to be expensive, you just have to know what to buy. i'm a huge coupon clipper.
  • Baker0821
    Baker0821 Posts: 40
    I agree, I went to our local farmer's market and I got 6 apples, 3 bananas, a carton of strawberries, 6 oranges and a bag of corn for 11.00! That's not bad AT ALL!! So, check out a local produce place rather than a grocery store. Then, you can always try coupons to try to save money. I mean, I guess as long as you are in your calorie goal, it shouldn't matter but eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive.
  • macenro
    macenro Posts: 160
    Well I have about $60 a week to spend at most for the entire week of meals. That leaves me buying a lot of 99 cent packages of hot dogs and cheap things like that.

    Another main problem is that I have allergies to certain things that are healthier. My allergy to pollen makes me not able to eat most fresh fruit and vegetables and other allergies limit my diet too.
  • ang16
    ang16 Posts: 91
    Buying fruit and veg from your local stall and some pasta and rice isnt too expensive. Its also very healthy too :)
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Yes, keeping the caloric intake while maintaining your current eating habits WILL help you lose weight - at first, particularly if you have a lot to lose. However, as you get further along in your weight loss journey, it is essentially to start making some changes (a little at a time - don't want to get too overwhelmed). Adjust the carb intake or the sugar intake for a month or so, then add something else to the mix.

    I've heard that your diet is 70-80% of the journey, with 20-30% being exercise. So that being said, it is highly important what you feed yourself.

    I did the step-by-step process so I wouldn't get overwhelmed - and that also gave me time to really investigate WHAT to eat vs. cost to purchase said items. Definitely some ways to get some "cheap" stuff that is healthier than hot dogs. :)
  • leakewh
    leakewh Posts: 91 Member
    fresh fruits, salad stuff, yogurt, etc. isnt that regard to what you eat....I've lost 80 pounds and all along eating popcorn, hersheys candy bars, pizza, etc.....focus on calories and eating sensibly....
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    actually yes, it dos matter.. as healthy food choices ensures your body is getting the nutrients it needs to retrain itself.
    Healthy food (other than occasional treats of junk food) teaches your body to NOT crave lots of sugar and carbs and salts/nitrates.
    Healthy food choices just plain make you feel better, not just because you are losing weight, but because you simply ARE healthier in body and mind, you think more clearly, have more energy, and have a more positive outlook/manner in your day to day life *S*

    and contrary to popular belief, you can make healthy choices on a tight budget *S*
  • I started in April 2011 and have lost 14 pounds eating the same things as before (watching the calories) but adding exercise. It all boils down to calories in and calories out. I look at it as a calorie checkbook - keep too much in and the checkbook gets fat - good for money but not for calories! You want to keep a negative balance in your calorie checkbook and the pounds will come off. Keep on going!
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    Well I have about $60 a week to spend at most for the entire week of meals. That leaves me buying a lot of 99 cent packages of hot dogs and cheap things like that.

    Another main problem is that I have allergies to certain things that are healthier. My allergy to pollen makes me not able to eat most fresh fruit and vegetables and other allergies limit my diet too.

    I shop at Aldi...its a discount grocery store. You can buy canned foods for like 30-40 cents a can (just rinse before you eat to get rid of some of the sodium) Canned veggies and fruit are better than no veggies and fruit. They also have frozen fruit and veggies for dirt cheap!!! They also have great buys on meats and cheese and bread. I can usually fill up my cart with all healthy foods for 50 bucks!! Try and find one of these stores!!
  • AAJoseph
    AAJoseph Posts: 53 Member
    You can start with making substitutions... mac-and-cheese... if you're buying already prepared go for a $1 and change box of whole wheat pasta add your own cheese... you can get way more portions to freeeze. Ice cream... what about a large $2-$3 store brand of yogurt (I get plain to add my own, like greek style (my fav)... drain the plain). Use agave/honey to sweeten, etc.

    In short, I am sure you can loose weight just buy eating almost anything and staying within calorie limits... but is that what you really want to do. If you eat things with higher nutritonal content, you will stay full longer, your body will appreciate it. I know it is tough on a budget, but it can work. I like the post of... "what are you spending now?" I pack my lunch and snacks everyday (by the way try a clif bar instead of candy... with increase in costs for candy the price is about the same). Packing took some getting used to, but now it is religious to the point of I can not figure out anything to pack - fall safe a whole weat wrap with peanut butter and smashed banana.

    The investment may be a little costly at first, but you will spend less in the long run, especially when preparing your own meals.

    Wishing you the best!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Box of instant oatmeal - $3 - 8 packs - there is your breakfast - add a dozen eggs - under $3 for a dozen.

    3-4 oz of chicken breast
    brown rice - you can buy in bulk for damn cheap
    frozen veggie that you can eat to go with it.

    cooks once for the week.
    you'll be under $60 - you'll have left over $$ for pudding, almonds, more veggies maybe even some protein powder....
    if you're serious about eating helathy you will find a way - and hotdogs are not the way!
    You are what you eat! You want to feel like poo - keep eating poo. You want to be healthy - eat healthy.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Beans are cheap and healthy. Buy then dry and cook them in big batches.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    Actually, no. The principle of weight loss is simple. Calories burned need to be more than calories taken in. You could eat 1600 calories of sugar, and if you burned 1800 calories in a day, you would lose weight.

    However, allow me to put a disclaimer on this statement. For your optimum health, you should not eat a 1600 calorie diet of pure sugar. You need those nutrients found in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and so on so it would behoove you to find a way to incorporate them into your diet the best you can. Only you know the restrictions that your budget and your allergies put on you for buying food, but $60 is actually a fair amount of money for one person. Here's some ideas:

    - Eggs (about $0.15 a piece - give or take, great source of protein)
    - Beans/Lentils (dried are cheapest, but if you're lazy like me, you'll probably buy the no salt added variety, and they're about $0.70 a can)
    - Milk (price depends on where you live, but here a gallon is like $2.50 - low or non fat, also an excellent source of protein)
    - Tuna (canned... it's good fat, fairly low in sodium and great protein also)
    - Peanut butter (good protein, good fat)
    - Whole wheat bread (the store brand is just as good as the other stuff, just make sure you get one where the first ingredient is "whole wheat flour")
    - Whole grains (cornmeal, amaranth, quinoa, brown rice, millet, oats... there's a ton of them. Health food stores carry them in bulk so you can buy as much or as little as you would like.)

    Let me know if you need other healthy eating ideas. I've got a few more :-)
  • macenro
    macenro Posts: 160
    Actually, no. The principle of weight loss is simple. Calories burned need to be more than calories taken in. You could eat 1600 calories of sugar, and if you burned 1800 calories in a day, you would lose weight.

    However, allow me to put a disclaimer on this statement. For your optimum health, you should not eat a 1600 calorie diet of pure sugar. You need those nutrients found in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and so on so it would behoove you to find a way to incorporate them into your diet the best you can. Only you know the restrictions that your budget and your allergies put on you for buying food, but $60 is actually a fair amount of money for one person. Here's some ideas:

    - Eggs (about $0.15 a piece - give or take, great source of protein)
    - Beans/Lentils (dried are cheapest, but if you're lazy like me, you'll probably buy the no salt added variety, and they're about $0.70 a can)
    - Milk (price depends on where you live, but here a gallon is like $2.50 - low or non fat, also an excellent source of protein)
    - Tuna (canned... it's good fat, fairly low in sodium and great protein also)
    - Peanut butter (good protein, good fat)
    - Whole wheat bread (the store brand is just as good as the other stuff, just make sure you get one where the first ingredient is "whole wheat flour")
    - Whole grains (cornmeal, amaranth, quinoa, brown rice, millet, oats... there's a ton of them. Health food stores carry them in bulk so you can buy as much or as little as you would like.)

    Let me know if you need other healthy eating ideas. I've got a few more :-)

    Some of those would work, but I am allergic to both eggs and milk.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    You will lose weight as long as your calories in is less than your calories out. However, healthy food is important for health. Eating "crap" is better than not eating, especially if you're still watching your portions and calories. Hang in there, and remember that this is temporary!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    But a big ol' box of healthy high fiber cereal, you can eat it for snacks and lunches sometimes if you want. soak your fruit and veggies in water and lemon juice to get rid of stuff on it. bag of apples is cheap it will last you a week. buy larger bags will let you get more for less and will last a couple of weeks so then next week it will give you more cash to buy different things. I get my meat only when it is on sale and i buy enough for a few meals. i portion out and freeze the rest for another day.
  • Shappy75
    Shappy75 Posts: 5
    Well if you're only concerned is weight gain and not health, I would have to say limiting your calories while eating unhealthy foods could serve as a solid regiment to maintain or losing weight.

    Keep in mind you'll blow your calories quick on junk food, so choose wisely.

    "Junk food" is full of preservatives, salt, hydrogenated/ interesterified oils and artificial substances. These things poison the human body and do not digest well, even inhibit the absorption of the healthy foods you do eat.

    This diet will make exercise difficult as it will mess up your hormone levels, increase your bad cholesterol and deliver pain and suffering to your organs.
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    You will lose weight as long as your calories in is less than your calories out. However, healthy food is important for health. Eating "crap" is better than not eating, especially if you're still watching your portions and calories. Hang in there, and remember that this is temporary!

    Is this actually true? If so how do you explain starvation mode or plateus? There are numerous people on here who claim that they had to increase their calories in order to lose weight. How could this be?
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    If you are eating that much in candy and Ice Cream I would suggest you spend a little and get yourself a multi= vitamin.
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