

  • Definitely a foam roller! This is very common for runners and pregnant women. The best foam rollers are from OPTP.
  • It is true, that it depends on your genetics. However, I am a mom of 2 (1 C-section) and a Pilates and Zumba instructor. (No, I don't do either of them every day. It's only a couple times a week.) I've been taking Pilates for 5 years and wore my first bikini post kids last summer. Most moms that come into my classes have…
  • My neice and to some degree myself, are allergic to red dye 40. My poor neice is only 18 months old. She immediately vomits and breaks out in hives/rash when she ingests it. I get mildly sick and my throat swells. The best solution for this is to eat organic.