

  • I've only read some of the thread, but I think it would be helpful to clarify some things. Having different degrees of suseptibility to the elements that influence weight gain (such as depression, taking of some medications, etc...) has nothing to do with whether or not you ultimately have a choice. Due to scarcity, life…
  • Theoretically, you can obtain a calorie deficit with exercise, diet, or a combination of the two. Realistically however, you are not going to outrun a bad diet by exercising a lot. Take it from someone who knows < The diet is more important because you can run off the rails MUCH quicker by consuming food than you can "get…
  • In my opinion, the phrase "calories in, calories out" is somewhat misleading, or at least it has the potential to be misleading. From where I sit, it is true as far as it goes, but you need to set some qualifications. Different foods influence your set point in different ways, which in turn is correlated with feelings of…
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