naiauhane Member


  • I'm restarting my AIP journey after a gap of a few years. I'd love to support and be supported.
  • Ugh I just wrote a nice response and it got deleted. So I'll just say thanks. I'll try a snack before bed and a cut off time for beverages. I also don't drink caffeine but rarely and it wasn't caffeinated the other night.
  • I just started a couple of days ago. This is day 3 on keto for me. I used to use MFP occasionally for food tracking, but I'm finding it necessary with keto to keep the macros in mind. How's it going for you?
  • I've been eating baby carrots when I want something crunchy. Usually I want something salty and crunchy, but despite baby carrots being sweet, they seem to satiate me. I think it's because I associate veggies with being savory. Don't know if that's helpful...
  • Go for it! You're reminding me that I meant to try adding chicken to a smoothie myself. I thought a bland chicken breast might not really change the flavor, though no idea on the texture. I did not think to add any canned fish though. Fish would be too fishy to me to add to any kind of normal-for-me smoothie. Though if I…
  • I know it's hard not to get upset about not looking the way you think you should. Many of us struggle with trying to feel beautiful and comfortable as is. I have weight I'd like to lose, but I've shifted my focus from losing pounds to gaining strength and feeling good about myself. I know when I take my dogs for regular…
  • Good job everyone! I'm starting week one again tomorrow. I originally started three weeks ago and hoped to be starting week 4 tomorrow, but traveling for work and a non-Jillian injury put me out of commission for the last two weeks =( Getting through that week one was great though. Day one I had to stop a few times during…
  • bump - Thanks!
  • PROTEIN! And make sure to eat some of the protein at the start of your meal before anything else; it's supposed to help stablize your blood sugar (so said my sister's doctor and a nutritionist I've seen). My nutritionist recommends at least 20g of protein per meal. Fats are important too. We need fat to survive, even…
  • I'm with you on the number of variables. It's frustrating. I don't know if I have a doctrine necessarily, but I know I've fallen off of the "typical American diet" bandwagon I was raised with and now follow a more sustainable and whole foods type of diet. Maybe I won't sweat the fat. It doesn't seem to have been hurting me…
  • Oh no, I hadn't previously though of added sugars versus natural sugars. Another variable! I typically don't eat a lot of sugar. Using MFP in the past made me realize my morning smoothie had a ton of sugar in it (almost all from fruit, only 6g from the protein powder). I revamped and stopped adding a whole banana and…