CharlieBarleyMom Member


  • Bottom line: It is wrong for him to use your own insecurities against you ever. Now you don't want him to see you naked? Guess what? You life in the bedroom just changed and that may be irreparable. That's what happened when I started to believe that my husband thought I was too fat... and my self-esteem plummeted lower…
  • Save! This I've got to try!
  • I believe it will be different for each individual. In the beginning for me (303 lbs.) I could eat the carbs and sugars from fruits without it affecting my overall weight loss. Now that I'm down 70+ pounds, it has been a fighting battle to keep my carbs and sugars in line, which for me seems to be the key in continuing to…
  • Items that don't have labels for nutritional values such as fruits and vegetables are mostly all in MFP and they were not added by users. The items that DO NOT have an asterisk are entered by the creators of this site and I use those values religiously. I have searched elsewhere and I find them to be spot-on accurate. Very…
  • I believe that it will be helpful for those of us who are already in the mindset of counting calories. That way we can make a better choice based on knowledge. For those people who don't care, it won't make a difference. My other thought is "just calories"? There is sometimes a difference in what I eat based on the other…
  • I use the quick oats and I add flaxseed meal and chia seeds and cinnamon. I have this at around 5:30am and it holds me until my lunch of 11:30am - so 6 hours, very nice! Love it!
  • I add my hemp protein to my protein pancakes and they end up with a bit of a green tinge too! But they still taste fabulous!
  • I use frozen berries and cherries in my smoothies. I use dried figs in my kale salad - mix kale, strawberries, figs & dates, chopped walnut pieces and avocado and spritz with the juice of a couple of juice oranges and enjoy! (I've also added feta cheese crumbles to this and it is yummy!)
  • Are you buying it at a farmer's market for that price? Even at one of my fresh farm stands it is .89/pound. At the grocery store it is $1.29/ pound. Each spaghetti squash is about 3 pounds. I LOVE them!
  • I tried the coconut bread from Julian bakery and I found it less like bread and more like "bread cake" - like zucchini bread or date nut bread. First, although I liked the taste (love coconut!), the bread was dry and too dense to be a substitute for sandwich bread. Also, the pictures on their website make it look much…
  • It does suck - but you have the right attitude - DON'T GIVE UP! Even if you can only exercise a little you are still helping yourself and maybe it will be better for you to try lifting weights rather than cardio. You'll burn fewer calories but help burn fat instead of lean muscle and you'll get stronger. Just keep doing…
  • I'm sorry about your chronic pain. I have a chronic disease and it is not fun and there is pain involved with it but I do know the pain of a migraine and that is unbearable. I don't pretend to know much about migraines, but I did hear from someone on MFP that since they've been taking Chia seeds their migraines have…
  • You look fantastic and you ROCKED the tests! Good for you! (GREAT) for you!
  • I don't do it until I throw up... I just keep opening cabinets and finding SOMETHING that I can eat, even all the while thinking that this is not what I want to do. I have started a private journal to capture my thoughts after (hoping that this will turn into BEFORE someday) the binge is over. My mental feeling, my bodily…
  • If you take one item out of the dryer at a time, fold it, bend over, take an item out of the dryer, fold it, bend over and take out the next item, it would probably burn more calories! (but yeah, I hate it too!) For Serena who said about the take out dry cleaner --> check around your area... there is at least 1 (and…
  • I love them in my protein pancakes or in smoothies -- there are so many other ideas here! Great!
  • I got this recipe from - absolutely love this chick! I made these last Easter and took them to a dinner (told no one what they were) and they were loved by most. Not all folks loved them because they are very sweet - I LOVED THEM! Genius Chocolate-Chip Blondies (makes 15-20 squares) ■1 1/2…
  • Proven by the fact that I've logged in every single day for more than 500 days and the fact that I've only lost 4 pounds in the last 8 months -- yeah, it's a lifestyle change. I'm trying to find the sweet spot of calories in/calories out to get back to losing like I was when I first started (2-3 lbs per week). Until then,…
  • I'm pretty sure my tastebuds must be broken because I LOVE almond milk but I don't get an "almond" flavor. I just get a nice creamy drink that I use for anything where I would have used milk. It is a little sweeter but that is okay when making mashed not potatoes (cauliflower) because I'm not using butter either. I had…
  • moving to the kitchen to try this right now!
  • Folks, I just want to say that although there is some nasty literature (online and printed) out there that weight is a cause for this disease, it is absolutely not true. I have been a member of a HS online community for over 10 years and there are people on there that were born with this disease. There are people who have…
  • Couldn't agree more. But you are worth making yourself feel better so do what you WANT to do - do NOT listen to negative crap from people who aren't worth your time.
  • Annabelle - I have been using essential tea tree oil. Supposedly it works to dry out the skin and works as an anticeptic... because of its sting I mix it with coconut oil. I can't say exactly how much of each, I just kind of go by the smell of the mixture... more tea tree, less coconut smell, but I don't want it to sting…
  • I had short-term good results with antibiotics when I was about 25 (20+ years ago)... so when I saw the dermatogist 3 years ago I asked about that as a possibility. He immediately put me on long-term. Nothing changed. I stopped taking them because I really don't want to be taking any chemicals that I don't need to... and…
  • Single and loving it - usually. Ready to find someone. Hanging out in South Central PA!
  • ^ This - exactly. Also - even when you try to follow what is right - and I do - you find yourself "stuck" - then you have to change it up and *hope* that the change you put into effect will be the right one - wait 6 weeks, nope - then move on to another "change" to get it moving again. Dedication to your health is what…
  • I second this! It is easy to say (for a woman at least) - and I've been saying it for the past 7 years... yes, I've been single for 7 years and so I think those that know me finally just stopped asking... I am looking for the right guy, not just any guy. I know that if I want any guy, I can stop in the bar on any given…
  • I have the same thing. I did go see two doctors... first of which said it was a heel spur and the second (more than a year later) said plantar fasciitis. She gave me exercises to do and told me that I can wear the night brace and they were going to order custom orthotics for my shoes... but I wear high heel shoes almost…