Facebook Support Groups
These are closed groups that you can join - no one other than members can see the pages. These are the ones I belong to, I'm sure there are others I haven't found yet. The HS Diet Connection Hidradenitis Suppurativa Warriors HS Singles Hot Spot Hidradenitis Suppurativa Support Group Daily Struggles: Real Survivors fighting…
Give yourself 30 days - please
I am posting this because I have recently finished a 30-day Paleo eating challenge that I made for myself to find out if I have a specific trigger food for the HS. As I was in the midst of this 30 days, I came across information about "leaky gut" -- and boy does it sound plausible. I found this book "It Starts With Food"…
Food (or DIET) as an Inhibitor
Folks -- I've had this nasty disease for 30 years and I've gone through some heavy times with it and some light times with it... sometimes thinking it was in remission. But in the past I have never watched what I was eating with how my body (HS) reacted within the next couple of days. That all changed a few months ago.…
Specific Food as a Trigger?
I have been trying to isolate foods that cause me to wake up to a Stage 2 breakout... and recently it seems like beans (damn!) may be a culprit. I love to make turkey & bean soup and I seem to break out shortly thereafter. This week I made Nutiva's Black Bean Chocolate Cake - and oh what pain I am in now. It is possible…
Beware "natural flavors"
I just found out yesterday, probably late to the game again, that the US Government (FDA) approves the use of gland secretions from the male and female beaver... anal glands (I think)... as "natural" additives to aid in the making of Raspberry and Vanilla flavors... EWWWW. Ick. Not to mention that is not fair to…
Livestrong.com - Excellent article about Myths
Livestrong.com has a very informative article that I just had to share. I was not sure where it should go because it has many different aspects. Enjoy all! http://www.livestrong.com/blog/blog/5-surprising-health-myths/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=111004
Serving Size Labels from Products canned in water or other l
So -- some of you may have noticed this disparity - and some of you may not have noticed yet... but here's the truth of the matter. The governing body that follows up on Nutritional Labels and enforces the truth in labeling for the US (other countries I cannot speak for), allows (and yes, I've contacted them about this…
Need Help With Calories Burned!
I joined just a little over 3 weeks ago and I am absolutely LOVING this site! It has helped me put my food into perspective and that has brought new light to my closed eyes about the actual number of calories I was consuming. In my weight loss past I had used Nutrisystem... givng up control totally to the packaged foods…