

  • Hey Squish, That's the thing I feel great. I am never tired anymore and its improved alot of things. I do eat what ever i like for tea (I dont count calories) so probably eat upto 1200 for tea. I also drink 1/2 cups of tea a day which has 4 sugars (I know that's bad) but studies have shown that the human body was probably…
  • I truly believe that it doesn't matter how much you slip up, as long as you continue eating better the next day. In my experience the reason most people give up on dieting is because they eat rubbish and then think "whats the point" and continue to eat rubbish the next day and the next. I slip up once or twice a week…
  • For me i tried them but they don't work. The con's outweigh the pro's every time. The only thing that i really would recommend and its not a pill is 'Skinny Sprinkles' There not the cheapest thing in the world but they do work. Its powder that you add water too to make a strawberry smoothie. It fills half of your stomach…
  • Dont worry, Im off - Not hanging around somewhere that you have to be a vet in order to able to help. Some people want straight forward ways to help burn exrta fat or suppress appetite. Not everyone wants to be told to write down everything and do this and do that. Some people want a simple answer. This stuff worked for me…
  • Well i say it does work - Not to mention the many reviewers on Amazon that agree!! - So it doesnt work why? because you say it doesnt?! AGAIN grow up! its a forum and everyones allowed there opinion and there is no rules against posting a link.
  • Reported for having an opinion - Grow up!!
  • Hello, I used to have the same problem .. People on here will tell you to drink water or eat an apple but realistically it doesn't suppress for longer then half an hour. I started looking for something a while back and i now use Coffee Bean extract. It really does work. I can eat well all day and in evening BOOM! i would…
  • Feel free to read my second post in this thread before replying again. Thanks :)
  • Thanks for the reply .. I was heading toward Juice plus but your looking at £25 a week!
  • I understand that there are lots of people that want to eat food instead of shakes, however i do not. I feel that this may help me as i am unable to control eating when i get hungry. I know that if i have Shakes i will not want anything else (its psychological) - and like everyone else that diets, if it doesnt work i will…
  • I done the 5/2 for 2 months and lost 3 stone .. Its a good diet and really works. Its soooo much better then calorie counting. You dont feel fatigued, you dont get obsessed and after a week you get used to the lower calorie intake for the 2 days. I literally ate what i liked on the 5 days. Alot of people will tell you to…
  • Well it wants me to eat spinach smoothies and pepperoni pizzas yuk! -Good tool tho.
  • haven't read the whole topic so sorry if this has been said. I used to run every day and hated it! in-fact id dreaded it! - Now i have a bike i love it! - Biking is so much more fun.