

  • Welcome! Naysha, you really tripped my trigger when you mentioned Buffets!!!! I was married for less than a year to my very fit wife and mentioned one evening we should stop at a buffet for dinner. She went into a tirade about buffets, and told me buffet stands for " Big Ugly Fat Folk Eating Together", and it has stuck.…
  • Thanks forthe help with the photos! I don't know if I am more excited about the weight loss or finally being able to post a picture on a message board!
  • Hi there, I am so sorry someone said something so mean to you. When I met my wife, she was well over 200 pounds, and I was a skinny-minny. Well, somehow after 4 kids, she is the one in shape and I am the one that needs to work on it a bit! I always tell my wife it wouldn't have mattered what her weight or shape or health…
  • I feel you on this one! Maybe a tad backward, but I knew the last two days were going to be full of lots of good foods, so I tried to up my cardio a bit to earn some extra calories to cover. The fact that you realize you went over, or was conscious of what you were eating and aware of it all?, how great is that?!?! If you…
  • Hi there! I have only been here a month, and have found everyone to be very supportive and a great resource. I, like you, was surprised at how many calories I was consuming without realizing it. It certainly is addictive logging your intake and it makes me realize where I am each day food-wise. It also made me realize I…
  • This has been an interesting thread to me, and I like the fact that someone can look at your diary if you allow them too, and maybe see something they don't. I printed a few days of mine out and asked a two people at work (that have sound nutritional habits) to see if they noticed anything to suggest, but I got the…
  • You seem just like my wife. She is 6 ft and puts in miles every day and eats well, however she is always around 185 no matter what. I married a good Polish girl from Detroit and she is built just as you describe. Never obese, but just thick and muscular. She has had 4 children, and honestly, she is in better shape than…
  • Great thread, and made me think a bit. The thing I love about myself is that I am a great Dad and a great husband. I know that I am because my wife and kids always remind me.
  • Hi there! I am in Green at the Summit/Stark border.