VVBliss Member


  • R u serious ? 6 weeks 14 lbs down. And u still dont consoder it huge.. look at me 8 mnths and 8 lbs down only. U made a realllly good progress :)
  • It showed me 1600..am eating 1200 evryday. And u're right, i might be calculating my portions and calories wrong. Thats why planning to see a dietocian who can tell me exactly what i shoukd eat and wat time. I have tried a loooott. So doesnt hurt to consult a professional i guess. (No persoanl trainer, i think i can handle…
  • I had tried doing.. done that for about 1 mnth. Always remained under the goal. Bt i saw no results.. so i stopped doing that too :(
  • Ladies.. u all seriously gotta tell me what u did to loose those 10 20 pounds.. i am 5.4 at 152 lbs now. started in feb and worked a lot regularly and maintained good diet.. its been 10 mnths and all i lost is 8 pounds ( down from 160) . Seriously m so discouraged and not motivated at all to get started again( i took a…
  • I had too much pizza last weekend.. this week also am feeding on all kinds of unhealthy food. Last night went to boston pizza and had nachos and pasta.. had another one today and some sweet dishes. i coudnt go to gym this week because my back was hurting.. so i said to myself that i can eat watever i can this week just to…
  • @ sadia thankyou :) @catie i logged few cardio exercises this week and saw it took away those calories. So Thankyou for mentioning that :) @StrongCurves Heavy like 20 lbs ? I saw a girl today doing shoulders for 22.5 and she was pretty bulky in muscles. I know girls dont usually bulk up but thats really not my goal :(
  • Oh i see. Now it set the goal to 1lb per week and its showing me 1300 calories a day. That sounds like a reasonable number that i should stick with.
  • Thank you so much evryone for replying. I am 28 and i actually followed default number on MFP which was 1200. So i thought i should stay at 1000 to create deficiet but i guess am wrong. Do you know how can i accurately calculate my calories needs ?
  • wow congratulations.. I just joined MFP today.. and I wanna know how it helped you other than just counting calories ? Thanks