pinkvintagelove Member


  • Oh, and I also am so tired when I get home that I don't want to work out. I have wii fiit, and i'm signed up for curves but lack the energy or motivation to go. :(
  • My body stopped craving it, my mind still has not. I will still catch myself fantasizing. If I have a bad day, or just get really sad and angry I automatically want to jump into my little debbie cookie box. But I try really, really, hard not to. It is like a battle with yourself, and I sometimes win, I sometimes don't. I…
  • I am an avid sweets eater as well. But I am trying really hard to not eat them, as their unhealthy and unwanted calories. I feel your pain completely. I would be at work, and fantasize about going home and eating some kind of cupcake, cookie, or even about getting myself a piece of cake at Raley's if I had had a…