Pikachica Member


  • I like all those things, though lately just keep up with gaming news, no time to play them much (except Animal Crossing, addicted)! Anime is great too, SAO anyone? Feel free to add me :blush:
  • The other reason people will put "bump" sometimes is to save an interesting or valuable post for later, since it will show up in their personal comment history. With the new updates to the forums, individual posts can just be saved, so hopefully there will be less "bump"ing on the popular posts
    in Bump?? Comment by Pikachica October 2014
  • First post, just started using MFP 2 weeks ago and am enjoying taking control of my eating habits. I'm another 5'4" gal, currently 157 lb and size 10 (can *squeeze* into some of my old 8s). Loved all the data in this thread, but thought it could use being put in a graph with a trend line so that we could all make a bit…