

  • I sort of plan my days out. I eat a chobani raspberry yogurt for breakfast (its a stretch for me to even eat breakfast-not a fan) then a salad for lunch. On days that I don't have a salad for lunch I eat way more. So, I now realize that I have to have the salad for lunch, no matter how much I don't feel like it. Sometimes…
  • Hi Everyone, My name is Tanya and I have been overweight most of my life. In high school I lost 30# by changing the way i ate and got down to the lowest I ever was, 120#. I gained it all back plus 30 more within two years. Then I had 3 children, one right after another, during which I gained another 40. I remember hovering…
  • Hi Everyone, sw: 272 gw: 150 (for now) I just joined today. I'm 41 and have been thinking a lot lately about my health (my bad health that is!) I am on a ton of medication and I would like to be able to get off some of it. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, not to mention that diabetes runs rampant in my…