yeseneah Member


  • I do 2 min @ incline of 15 @ speed of 4(Fast walk), 2 min @ incline of 0 ,speed @ 7(running), then 1 min @ incline 0, speed of 4(fast walk/recovery). Repeat:) You should do a speed you are comfortable at. The goal is to work on getting faster.
  • After having two kids, I had totally let myself go...gained about 60pounds in a a matter of 4 years. After having my last child I vowed I would get back to where I was. The comments: "I'll believe it when I see it" and " There's no way you can do it". Helped too;)
  • Easy, quick and cheap!! Smart ones frozen meals, Healthy choice steamers and Lean cuisines:) ALL under 300...Or Get the 100 calorie thin bagels or sandwich flats...add 1 tbsp. natural peanut butter or sliced turkey...
  • I can relate to you, on many levels...Good luck on your weight loss journey. It definetly won't be easy but well worth the sweat and tears:) Feel free to friend me!
  • Try doing them with weights in hand on the floor, this will make you get deeper in your push up. Remember what they say...push it until you feel you can not do anymore...then pump out five more!! Good luck!