Gems7882 Member


  • Starting the 30 day shred.... I need to loose a lot... N kinda turn into a healthy lifestyle.... I wanna loose my post pregnancy weight..( mind it not my baby weight.... I lost all my baby weight immidiatrly after delivery..... Then gained 15 lbs in these 8 months :( How much hand weight should I start with???
  • Drive Pedal Excerciser Stationary Bike this is there in amazon for $ 20 :)
  • I am new member starting my weight loss journey from today .....once again. I have been on and off my exercise schedule for a long time . Now I want to start something and include it in my lifestyle. I am on a goal to lose min 39 lbs. Need all the help and encourage from all my friends here...who r sharing the same…
  • Even I had that query.... How to log this 30 day shred. Do share any other exercise regime that u follow along with HM 30 day shred.
  • I am Joining you girls in this. I still dont have the videos with me.. nor the on demand. So I guess i will starting off slow. I have done 30 day shred earlier...(i did the 30 day shred programme from - which includes all the 3 levels, BFBM, NMTZ all in alternate patterns... it was really good and…
  • Also I am not abale to put 30 day shred in my exercise log in. Where do u guys put it in the exercise log in?
  • Yipppe my first ever post in this forum :D I was doing JM (30 day fitness plan from i completed the plan and went for a vacation of 2 months :P So I am somewaht back to square one now. Hope to start JM again. Can u tell me what is BL yoga? And do u guys use on demand for JM or do u own a DVD or something? I…