New member. . . Hope I can do this . . . again

sheiladderr Posts: 11
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I joined about a month ago and haven't been on in a while. Time to get back into it and get the weight off and become healthier!

I lost 30 pounds about 7 years ago and it's all back (and brought a few friends!). How did I do it then? It took a trip to my Ob/GYN, seeing where the weights on the scale fell and I broke down into tears. How embarrassing! I was bawling like a baby but I just couldn't believe what the scale read! That was my breaking point!

I gave up pop and sweets, walked at least 30 minutes a day (and I mean WALKED!) with friends at work (who also lost weight) and I made sure my meal portions were less than what I would usually eat. I also ate several small meals throughout the day rather than 3 big meals. It got to the point where I didn't have to suck it in to zip up my jeans, I wore shorts and sleeveless shirts without feeling self conscious and I felt great!

Here we are 7 years later and it's all back along with a few extra. I have high blood pressure (have had it since I first got pregnant 15 years ago), bursitis in my hip and shoulder (thanks Dad!) and arthritis in my neck. I know I need to get into shape and can't seem to figure out why I don't have the will power I did 7 years ago. Is it because there's nobody at work willing to take a walk? I do tend to find reasons to not walk at work (it's too cold and snowy is a good one right now). It's stupid and I know it, but I can't seem to make myself get up out of my chair unless I have a meeting to go to or have to use the bathroom. Pre-menopause has hit and that's SO not fun!

Anyone want to come for a walk with me? I hate walking by myself. . . . HELP!


  • I wish you all the best of luck Sheila! You've done it once and can do it again. You know the will power is within you...just waiting for you to find it again. I too wish I had somebody to walk with at work.
  • Good Luck Shelia! It is hard when you don't have someone to walk/workout with but you can do it. Your will power is somewhere inside of you. :happy:
  • Hi Sheila. I like you have some health problems and a little more around the body than I want. I tend to find great comfort in food....only thing is, it has reaped some bad benefits. I don't really like to excercise and really don't like to drink water. However, since joining this last week, I have not only exercised (3) times this week, but have managed to drink between 8-10 glasses of water. I really feel good. I did not have anyone to go for a walk with at work today, so I pushed myself off my chair and walked for 11 minutes continuously around the - hey, It gave me back 58 calories. Yay. I wish you all of the luck.
  • Thanks guys! Perhaps this is the site I needed for the support I need to get going! I also get frustrated because a good friend of mine I worked (and walked) with last time does nothing but criticize exercise and eating well. "I just eat a lot and that's how I am" or "I have enough to think about/deal with, I don't have time to add eating right and exercising to the list." Those are the types of things I hear and they are real demotivators. Time to not listen to that, right?

    Thank you for all of your support. As I reach the end of my 39's (I turn 39 next week) perhaps that is also an eye opener that I need to get in shape or things can only get worse if I don't. Not to mention I found 2 gray hairs this weekend! That didn't help much! LOL!
  • I don't know anything about what you work consists of or how strict your boss is ...BUT.. there is a machine that goes under your desk. Its kind of like a tiny bike. You can sit right in your chair and exercise! I got one on E-bay for under $30.00 and its reallyyyy great!
  • I don't know anything about what you work consists of or how strict your boss is ...BUT.. there is a machine that goes under your desk. Its kind of like a tiny bike. You can sit right in your chair and exercise! I got one on E-bay for under $30.00 and its reallyyyy great!
    Really? That's awesome! I work in consumer marketing so I'm at my desk ALL DAY LONG so that would be awesome! What is that thing called?
  • Drive Pedal Excerciser Stationary Bike

    This is the exact discription he has it listed under on ebay and he still has some in stock. I hope you get as much use out of it as I do! :)
  • On those days that I really don't want to exercise, I just tell myself to change my clothes and go over there, even if I'm only going to walk on the treadmill for a couple of minutes.... by the time I get there, I end up doing my regular work out. It's the getting started that is the hardest. You can do this!
  • Gems7882
    Gems7882 Posts: 8 Member
    I am new member starting my weight loss journey from today .....once again.
    I have been on and off my exercise schedule for a long time . Now I want to start something and include it in my lifestyle. I am on a goal to lose min 39 lbs. Need all the help and encourage from all my friends here...who r sharing the same journey.

    My CW - 168 lbs

    My Ideal weight - 119lbs - 141lbs

    Mini goal - (03/22/2010) - 6 lbs lighter

    I hope i achieve my mini goal.

    Plan of action : 1 hour Gym in the morning 6days a week. and JM 30 day shred plan in the evening.

    - Eat right and include lots of veggies. Have control on the proportions. Hmmm

    Wish me luck girls...
  • Gems7882
    Gems7882 Posts: 8 Member
    Drive Pedal Excerciser Stationary Bike

    this is there in amazon for $ 20 :)
  • Walked 50 minutes yesterday with someone from work. That was awesome! Today, she couldn't walk so I went by myself. Only went 25 minutese and was certainly glad I was able to get the iPod this morning before one of the kids did! LOL! The inspirational music helped me get through the walking alone. Now, I just have to keep this up and try to find places to walk where I don't have to worry about people who haven't shoveled their sidewalks. Argh!
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