Starlightstiel Member


  • Just a quick update! I'm down to 241, the lowest I've been this year! I'm also almost in the 230's, which is huge for me. My first official mini goal is at 230 lbs, so it's encouraging that I only have about 11 more pounds to go until I reach it! I'm also aiming for 10,000 steps on my fitbit and at least 30 minutes of…
  • Okay! I haven't been on in two days, but I have some updates. I've been staying with a friend for the weekend, so I haven't been as careful about my intake as I probably could be. I'm happy to say that I haven't binged though, even if I've eaten above my daily goal. I've stayed right around my TDEE, so as long as I didn't…
  • Thanks for the replies you guys! I know we can do this. :) Day One Met Calorie Goal: Yes Minutes Exercised: 51 Thoughts: Today was pretty hard for me. I think my body is so used to eating such a huge quantity of food, even when I eat a totally normal and healthy amount, it still craves more. I ate most of my calories at…
  • It sounds like you had no problem weighing foods/losing weight before your surgery, so I think you probably know how to track properly. It is always worth looking at again however, because I know that I tend to get 'lax' on my measuring after a while and I normally see this in my weight loss. The stress of the surgery…
  • Everyone is affected different. My sister-in-law eats like a bird the whole month but absolutely gorges herself when she's on her period. Me? I get cramps so bad it makes me nauseous (I often puke at least a couple of times because of the pain), so I eat very little during TOM and normally end up losing the most during…
  • Nothing works for me quite like tea. Several cups of hot tea throughout the day when I start to get cravings works really well! If I'm actually hungry, the tea won't help, but if I'm just having cravings and want to eat then the tea will make them go away completely.
  • I normally allow myself one meal during the weekend where I don't count calories. I try not to go too overboard, but if I've been craving something all week then I let myself enjoy it on the weekend. It has worked really well for me so far, and gets rid of the craving for it. Make sure not to do that the entire weekend…
  • Thanks OP! : D I tried this and it was actually surprisingly good! Obviously it isn't as good as the real thing, but for such a low carb/low calorie replacement, it came pretty damn close. I didn't have reduced fat cheese so I just used regular, but that hardly made a difference with the calories. I also didn't microwave…
  • Thank you everyone for the replies. Yeah, I definitely think she means well, but it just gets really discouraging to hear that stuff day in and day out. I guess the comment she made about how I should make myself throw up after a really big meal is what really flipped the switch in my brain that was like okay, this is not…