AnointedZ Member


  • I used to experience some of these same symptoms and after i began working out, eating right and take a shake each morning it has helped me tremendously with energy and food cravings not only during this special time of the month but always which is a good thing :)
  • I personally use a weekly meal planning guide and portion control containers as well as taking a shake every morning that gives me the nutrition I need to begin my day helps me with energy and has helped with the junk food cravings.
  • I weigh on occasion and have found that a picture speaks volumes lol I have begun a picture journal to see where I have begun and my journey to where I'm going. It serves as a great motivator as well to visually see the progress one makes. I wish I would have taken more pictures when I began my journey and kept those not…
  • Another way to track your progress when the scale doesn't seem to move is to begin a photo journal (before & After pics) they are a great visual tool to monitor your progress and oh so encouraging.
  • Hello everyone, my name is Zee I will be turning 50 in October this year. I enjoy eating right and exercising to work out programs vs going to the gym. I enjoy the sun and the beach and not only want to look great during the summer I want to have a better quality of life overall. As I look around and see so many people not…
  • Keep up the great work... at least you are starting again that's what is important. I have found taking before & after pics keeps me motivated. I keep going because I want to see my after results and once I see the after results it encourages me to keep going because I don't want to lose the progress I've made.
  • Awesome way to turn your day around!!! Keep up the great work
  • I am fairly new to MFP, I have recently lost 7lbs I know not a lot but I am not despising small beginnings :)
  • Well I'll be 50 this year does that still count?
  • Always looking for positive people who will be an encouragement to me and also looking to be an encouragement to others.