

  • Thats crazy expecting someone to lose that much alright
  • hi karsten....i do think that 175lbs would ve difficult for me to get down too alrite.i did 2 years weight lifting when i was 20 year old and gained 19lbs doing that....now near 4 years later its rather more eh "relaxed muscle".
  • thefuzz thats crazy never would have thought that bmi would be like that.no wonder people can be lead to believe their overweiflght if like me they dont fully understand bmi. how do i get a more accurate reading of my ideal weight. cat296 i think i would be quute happy round the 200lbs mark.
  • ok so i feel much better now thought id lost a bit too much and heard if i lose too much too quick i get it back even quicker.i have qyute a craving for something sugary is there an suggestions you can make for that?