

  • Hows everyone been doing today? Lost my job but I will get through this. Decided to see how everyone else is doing :) Lost my first 3lb on first week weigh ins so at least theres that!
  • Well now, lookie here a freshly started group in which i can participate. Glad to be aboard. My name is josh. If you'll look at my profile you can get to know a bit about me. Took me a long time to type it and i figure its easier that way. xD I'm looking to lose about 85lbs and I live in Cadiz, KY. Anyone who is a member…
  • Hey there i've also done many restrictive and destructive dieting techniques and none of them have worked because i always fall off the bandwagon. MFP has worked wonders for me in the past and here i am yet again to conquer this thing once and for all! We can do this together! The more time you spend here and the more…
  • I'm totally in. I love walking at a very very brisk pace for long distances every couple days. I use 10lb ankle weights and 5lb wrist weights. Feel free to add me if you'd like!! 4.20 mi in 1:14:51 on 8/5 3.83 mi in 0:52:02 on 8/10 AUGUST TOTAL: 8.03 mi
  • Of course! i added you back :) lets get this done together. my goal is no walk in the park though lol the first goal is 55lbs and then the finishing goal will be an additional 35. that will be the extremely hard part.
  • Hey Clare, I recently moved from the big city out to the countryside. I used to hate walking amidst the hustle and bustle and noise and traffic. But now there are numerous trails that have up and down hills for miles that i can walk on a daily basis to get my goal started. :)