

  • I teach TRX classes both interval with jump ropes which burns a BUNCH of calories (500 - 600) and also just straight TRX circuit training which tends to burn around 200 calories (on average) per 30 minutes. Hope this helps :).
    in TRX CLASS Comment by amybeth68 May 2011
  • I am running it again this year. Had a great time last year although I was pretty much too wiped out after the half to enjoy the F&W festival. Not sure why but the evening Half seemed to kick my butt more than some marathons I've run. I also don't feel I was as well trained as I should have been for that particular race.…
  • I do exactly that....I wear my HRM and put it in the cardio section. I tend to do circuit style training or interval training with my TRX so it does burn a fair amount of calories that you'll want to keep track of. Such an amazing strength training tool in my opinion :).
  • I am a pilates instructor and usually modify clients with wrist pain to do forearm planks. You can also purchase handle like things for push-ups and planks, most major retailers (WalMart, Sports Authority, etc) sell them. Sorry I don't have their name off the top of my head but the way you grip the "handles" is more…