Yes I am well aware of this...I am hoping it will be different when it's a spawn of my own, considering it is OK when I vomit. But there will be therapy before this, and I am OK with infant vomit. It's such a complicated situation and I really hate it. That isn't the point of this thread though, haha. I appreciate…
Fully aware, was more so just wondering if anyone else noticed that as they started/stuck with an exercise regimen if their body's ability to tolerate things changed. Guess I could have also rephrased.
Hey Pam! My big tip for you, because you seem to be in the same boat as me - fell off after high school and into college after being super athletic, is to keep your favorite fruits readily available. Simply subbing chips out for a piece of fruit once a day will make a difference and after doing this you'll want to make…
After 3 months of weight loss, Scooby has been the best for me from the start and for current. 1300 from the start, and now that I've been able to go back and recalibrate with my weight loss, to still lose about 1.5lbs a week, I can eat 1,600. It's accurate for my body and what I'm trying to do.
I appreciate your disclaimer on this, haha.
So I can be this guy?
I'm in. Why not?
I'm going to be the weird one here, I love the treadmill. There I said it. It makes it extremely easy for me to keep pace and push myself and I can track distance easily as well. (yes i know there are apps for distance.) I also really hate the outdoors. So that makes the treadmill look very appealing.
This is all very true. I do feel different and better, clothes are more comfortable, definitely stronger both strength and cardio wise. I'll check measurements at the end of the week, I do that once a month. It's not that the number matters so much to me as it is that sort of motivation that I am indeed doing as well as I…
Thanks! Not trying to get compliments or change their lifestyle at all, I just realized I may be coming across as that. Really the truth is I am just SO excited with my progress that I can't keep my mouth shut about it. I'm going to try and be much more aware of this with other people.
Thank you! I've tried using [ img ] with no space and regular HTML... I also tried the sticked tutorial, I can't figure it out!
Everyone wants to lose weight for summer. Me? I'm excited for fall. I'm in NY so we have four seasons. I'm excited for skinny jeans, sleek fall colored knit sweaters, scarfs and boots that don't highlight how HUGE my calfs were at one point. Yay layering! <a href=""><img…
I worked at iHop for about 6 months, I stuck to the soups, and did a moderation off of the burger when hungry as well.