bhicks014 Member


  • Tantalizing
  • Good points by both of you. I suppose when I'm at home I always see things that need to be done. A thorough cleaning, flower beds need weeding, garden needs turned for the winter, and so forth. It seems like I get overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done. Even at the fire department there are so many things to do.…
  • Extemporaneous
  • Yeah, sorry about the lack of activity. School is brutal this term and the fire department is chewing up a lot of my time. We are in the midst of battling the county commission, but I can't say much on that front other than they are conducting themselves inappropriately. It's discrimination, cutting our funding for no…
  • You're almost there. You can do it! Fight through the frustration. We all want to see you succeed. :)
  • Hi Alisha! It's great to have you with us. I understand the whole yo-yo idea and I think many of us can relate to a certain degree. It sounds like you have a good system in place by running and working out. Even when you aren't exercising you are still taking care of the little one and that too counts as exercise, lol! I…
  • You are quite welcome! I was looking through the groups one day and didn't find a group like this. As a result I thought I would make one and see how it goes. Here we are just a few days in and we have 85 members. I never thought this many would join, but I'm so glad it happened. I do stay busy with college and the…
  • You will be there again. Just remember that you are always beautiful and believe that each and every day. All that's left is just getting a bit more healthy. You've got this!
  • Hi Dorothy and welcome to the group. I think you have a nice goal set and I really think you can get there. Roller coasters are fun to ride at amusement parks, but not so much when it comes to dieting. I think that has happened to a lot of us. The important thing is to never give up. Losing weight is half the battle. The…
  • Woot! Knoxville, Tennessee home of the Vols. I too am from the Knoxville area. We would like to welcome you to the group Ken and we hope we can be of positive influence to you on your journey. That used to be healthy and athletic guy is going to come back if you are willing to work hard and fight off those temptations…
  • Hello Beth and welcome to the group. It sounds like you done really well in the past. Congratulations on the. I admire you for being proactive and trying to keep your weight in check. I often hear people say "I want to look beautiful and more attractive". Everyone is beautiful in their own way. I suppose that is deeply…
  • Hey buddy that's a GREAT first week. That should really make you feel good and proud of what you've done. Just imagine if you keep that trend up. You will be tightening the belt in no time. Good job! :)
  • Hello Noelani and welcome to the group! It's great that you have decided to give us a chance to support you on your journey. I think we have another person from NC on the board. Fruit smoothies are a great way to start the day and I'm thinking of trying that myself. Good idea about adding the Kale to it. I wouldn't have…
  • Hello Doug and welcome to the group! 60 pounds is achievable and I have faith you will get there. In regards to being a good dad and husband, it sounds like you already have that taken care of. 100 miles! Wow... That sounds tough, but a worthy goal to reach. You can get there, just be patient. Patience is the key, but I'm…
  • Maddy! It's great to have you with us and representing Indiana. 30-40 pounds by Halloween is doable. I've lost 38 in a little over 2 months. Congratulations on the engagement and I hope it is one of the best days of your life. You can get that self-esteem back and we will help you to stay on track and and feel good about…
  • Hello Kelly and welcome to our group! You brought up a good point about how a position change at work can really impact our dieting. Nice job on getting fruits and veggies. Fresh is always best and that's much better than consuming those empty calories. Have you thought about yogurt for a source of calcium? Light yogurt…
  • Hello Misty and welcome! I think you might be the first one to join from Texas. Congratulations! I'm certain you have your hands full with the two young ones, but they are worth every minute. Congratulations on your family! It's great that your husband in supportive and hopefully that will be a huge plus for you. 7 pounds…
  • Hi Sam and welcome to the group. I've noticed there are a few folks here from the Ohio area. That's pretty cool. It is easy to get discouraged at times, but with the right support your spirits will be lifted and you will feel more motivated. 40 pounds is something you can achieve and never doubt yourself for a minute.…
  • Hello Kathy from North Carolina! My mother's name is Kathy spelled the same way! 50 years old isn't bad at all. You still have a lot of great years ahead of you. Yo-yoing is tough, but I see many people do it. It has to be frustrating. Having a supportive spouse makes a huge difference as you can both work together on…
  • Welcome to the group Suzanne! How are things in New Jersey? I hope all is well. I understand how you feel about pictures. I ALWAYS volunteer to take them so I don't have to be in them, lol. 100 pounds is a goal that will require work, but I know you can do it with the right support system. I too am on one of those 100…
  • Hello Eliza and welcome to the group. A Doctor Who fan. Very nice. I am so sorry to hear about your loss and I can't even imagine or pretend to understand the pain you and your husband have experienced. I will keep you in my heart and in my prayers that you will find peace. The emotional impact of something of that…
  • Welcome to the group Lois! South Carolina is a beautiful state and I love the beach there. I can't wait to visit there again. 25 pounds is a good goal and something you can reach. Walking at the YMCA is a great idea and a fantastic way to start the day. We are all here to lend a helping hand and to motivate one another.…
  • Hello Andielyn! That sounds like such a beautiful name. You have brought something to the table that many of us may be able to relate to. Stress can make us act out of character and thus increase our consumption. Sugar is usually the go to food that people turn to when they are stressed. The key will be finding out exactly…
  • Welcome aboard Molly! We are glad you chose to join us on this road to success. Congratulations on the engagement and I hope you have the best wedding ever! The road may look long and winding, but with the right people by your side supporting you, you can make it. There will be bumps here and there, but go with the flow…
  • Hello and welcome to the group. It sounds like you have had a rough go as of late, but there is no doubt that you can get back on track. Be very careful if you choose to work out. You don't want to cause any further damage. Walking is a good exercise and living in New York (if in the city) I'm sure there are ample…
  • Brenda! Welcome to the group. You have done a good job in recognizing a weight gain issue before it got out of hand. Being proactive is usually better than being reactive. 40 pounds is a lot to lose and congratulations on succeeding. I'm sorry to hear about your mom passing, but she will always be with you in mind, heart,…
  • Hello Cynthia! Your picture is amazing and I don't know who is dressed up like Lucille Ball, but they sure look like her. It looks like you had a great time. Water aerobics is fantastic because of the reduced stress on the joints. That was a very smart decision. Sugar is extremely addictive and many of us feel your pain.…
  • Anano in the house representing Germany! Glad to have you with us. You have a very achievable goal and I truly believe you can do this. Surround yourself with supportive people and the journey will get a little easier as the days go by. The important thing is to develop those healthy habits to the point they are second…
  • Hello Meri and thank you for representing Finland in our group. I hear it is a beautiful place and if I'm lucky I might get to see it one day. Congrats on your marriage and son. Of course you can still call him your baby. My mother still calls me that when I see her and I'm 35!!! lol. 17 pounds is a great start and 90…