lgadeke Member


  • Thanks for the replies, since I've started MFP I've become really cautious about consuming over my daily limit. I'm hoping I can tell my brain to shut up worrying about it and enjoy it, it's only one day! If I happen to eat too much, hey it will probably set me back like a week right?
  • Thanks for the replies, I did hear that lifting helped a lot, and I was thinking of buying a set of weights. However having absolutely no knowledge of what to do makes it a challenge. I wouldn't know how heavy to make the weights, how many reps or sets do or what type of lift to do etc so it's hard to get started. If you…
  • I wouldn't say it was crazy and if you are in a position where you can easily change jobs without it affecting your life in a huge way, then go for it. If you can get into a better situation motivation wise then that's great. I have recently started eating better and my work involves sitting in a van for a few hours with…