

  • Welcome! I have personally found the community to be very inspiring. I am also at the beginning of my journey and having a great time. I look forward to following your progress. Greg
  • Nutrition is an area of study that has an almost equal amount of conflicting information. A cursory Google "positive impact of breakfast" and "negative impact of breakfast" will result is numerous studies that have contradictory findings. Even googling "is a calorie a calorie" will result in the true representation that…
  • This thread seems to have gone on a tangent but if people are reading this and thinking "what can I do?" maybe what I do will give an idea or two. Here is my schedule Wakeup- 5:30am Arrive at gym 5:50am I take a shower and get ready at the gym Arrive at work 8ish :) Typically work till 6 or 6:30 Arrive home 6:30 Eat dinner…
    in TIME Comment by gkaffen338 August 2014
  • Don't get discouraged. Its only week 3. I would wait and see what next week brings. You have made some amazing changes to your lifestyle that can only have a positive impact. Analyzing and adjusting is part of the fun but I would wait a week or two longer. Congrats on the the 3 pounds though. Remember the days when you…
  • No not at all. With all the conflicting info on the web I thought a little personal experience with the subject may give an additional datapoint for anyone deciding if they should or shouldn't drink milk and how much. Greg
  • Many people have an allergy to Milk that doesn't always show up as stomach issues. For some people in my family drinking milk produces immunoglobulin E antibodies that attack joints among other things. Large amounts of milk causes the regular lactose intolerant issues for me so i try to avoid it. I still drink a little…