

  • Hello When I started running I used a treadmill and increased my time 1 min per week. Thw first week I would walk 5 and run 5. I did this for 30 mins. Then the next week I would walk 5 and run 6. I am not sure what my speed was but am sure it was around 5.5 mph. Over time I was able to walk for just 5 mins as a warm up and…
  • Well said! I love the show but there is no way I will drop 10 lbs in a week. Heck I am happy dropping 1 lb week. As long as the scale goes down, I'm happy. Its a great show and I look forward to watching it every season. Its not reality but it does offer great fitness advice. =)
  • I feel your pain! My son will be a year on May 29th and I am finally 1.5 lbs away from my pre-preggo weight. I have about 20 to go until I reach my goal weight. Yes the belly jelly is gross. It will go away, I hope =) Congrats on the little one!
  • Hello I have a Trek hybrid and I love it. I went to my local bike shop and paid about 500.00. It was well worth it. I have taken it on several long (25 mile) rides and it worked great. I just picked it up from the bike shop yesterday, it needed its yearly tune up. Now its road ready. I would not buy a bike at Target or…
  • 2 lbs a week is perfect! Like the others have said, 1-3 lbs a week is healthy and they way to go. One thing that helps is to remember this is not Biggest Loser. There is no way I am going to lose 10+lbs a week. I am happy to see the scale go down each week. No matter how small the number is. Take care! :smile:
  • Hi I was very active up until I got pregnant. I did run for a few weeks but then it just became to hard. I did walk but it was hard towards the end. I enjoyed being preggo and I ate whatever I wanted. I guess thats why I gained 60 lbs! I know, ick! I have lost all but 4 lbs. =) Congrats on the little one!