make sure your technique is perfect before doing higher rating stuff. Your stroke rate is quite high for what is quite slow rowing - you might find it easier, less injury inducing and more efficient to row at 18-20 for the time being. I would also bring your flywheel down to about 5 (or drag factor 140) as this is the same…
Doesn't really matter but drag factor 140 (usually about setting 5ish, but you can check) is most like rowing on water (if rowing in an eight). If sprinting a slightly higher drag factor might be better and if doing 18-20 strokes per minute for 1 hour then maybe a bit lower, but as I row on water too, I like to use the…
You should (if you haven't already had it) ask for ambulatory blood pressure check before starting meds as this is the gold standard to check it's not just 'white coat syndrome'