

  • I think you're doing great! Maybe checking in with your doctor or reviewing your nutrition would help if you're not feeling great? But you already have a great motivator-- you say you want to start a family when you reach your goal! That will really make it all worthwhile.:smile:
  • I'm in too! I need to regroup after the holidays and need all the support I can get! :happy:
  • Sorry! I can completely relate, though. It takes so long to lose the weight and so little to gain it back again. But hang in there! It will come right off again when you get back on the wagon again. You can do it!:smile:
  • Hi and welcome! I'm pretty new here too, and am starting to find out how great the community is!
  • I can really sympathize! I am also trying to stay to 1200 calories a day and it is so hard. I am 5' 2" and hoping to lose 10 pounds. I am middle-aged, though, so maybe that is part of why it is so slow coming off? I exercise 3 - 4 days a week. Any suggestions for me? I have lost only 2 pounds in 4 weeks.
    in Help! Comment by Kessie March 2010