burnt out on everything

6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I started my weight loss journey last August and have struggled with workout and dietary consistency ever since then. I am in my final year of nursing school and money has been tight. I realized this morning that I am holding myself back in many areas of my life. I feel burnt out, tired all the time and my can do attitude has turned into cannot. I am physically and mentally worn out. If all goes well I will graduate on May 12th. My question is what do you do when or if you feel this way? My weight loss has stalled out and my muscles seem to take days to recover from work outs. I am far from being tone and still carry a lot of unhealthy adipose tissue around my mid section. Any help to get out of this funk both physically and mentally would be much appreciated.


  • MrsFoster18
    MrsFoster18 Posts: 125 Member

    I am feeling the same way. I started in January and was going to the gym EVERYDAY and eating SO well and then come MARCH I got sick and stopped. School has worn me out as well as working full time. I would like to know some tips as well. I am trying my best to remain positive and keep my eye on the prize...*healthy me* and *cute clothes*...but some days it feels SO hard. I know I can not do the gym EVERDAY like I was BUT I am committing myself to at least 3 days a week. When I complete that and I feel good then if I put it more days then that is a bonus to me. Hope you can come out of this slump because I know first hand it is not a great place to be!! We CAN do this!!
  • Kessie
    Kessie Posts: 5
    I think you're doing great! Maybe checking in with your doctor or reviewing your nutrition would help if you're not feeling great? But you already have a great motivator-- you say you want to start a family when you reach your goal! That will really make it all worthwhile.:smile:
  • mangorabbit
    mangorabbit Posts: 219 Member
    Stress can be really rough ...but perhaps it is worth either reducing the amount of weight you aim to lose a week, or switching to maintenance for a little bit? I know you are not where you optimally want to be, but if your body is fighting to deal with a caloric deficit and other stress, it might be a bit much. (Especially if muscles do not seem to be recovering well.)

    Sometimes we jump in to things full force, only to feel really crappy a while later - and I am not talking about the 'that run/lift/workout kicked my butt!' crappy, but that 'dragging butt too tired to function' kind of thing.

    If the stress is likely to stay till after graduation, don't go totally off the reservation, but perhaps ease up a touch - keep tracking your food, but allow yourself some of the treats you may have determined to be off-limits? Sometimes we just get tired of following the rules all the darn time.

    Good luck! ^_^
  • kaitthegr8t
    kaitthegr8t Posts: 28 Member
    I hit a bump in the road too.. it is SO HARD to get over, I am struggling with it right now! I think just realizing that you're having a hard time is a great step in the right direction. You can't fix a problem if you don't accept that there is one first. Whenever I get tired like that, I pick up my phone, put on my favorite workout song, put my tennis shoes on, and just WALK. It doesn't have to be an intense workout, sometimes it just takes a small move like a 30 minute walk to put your mind back on track.
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