

  • is this straight insanity or p90x/insanity hybrid? im totally in for the hybrid if thats what your thinking of doing, im not so into doing pure 100% insanity, i like to incorporate weight training too. :) looking forward to hearing back from you! i have p90x, p90x2, insanity and asylum, i would be up for any combination!
  • Day 3: SHoulders & arms & arx
  • Day 2: Vertical Plyo & relief. done!
  • lolol so funny, the hair down thing gets me too
  • Hi friends, started Day 1 of p90x/asylum hybrid with Chest & Back & ab ripper x. So excited to do these workouts!
  • Day 1 of hybrid done: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper x. Hows everyone else doing today?
  • Day 1: Speed & Agility, i don't remember what my heart rates were but i burned 420 calories. Tomorrow i am going to start the p90x/asylum hybrid. I love the idea of a daily check-in. Thanks for creating it!
  • HI i just did my first day of insanity the asylum. I was going to do a hybrid of P90x and asylum. Id love to be workout buddies and check in with each other to make sure that were "sticking to the schedule" i'm a 31 yr old mother of 2 girls hoping to lose 18 pounds (i've already dropped 17 pounds by using p90x and…