jkw123 Member


  • Are you sure you are reading it right? Mine says "minutes performed," when you put in the time, it calculates calories...
  • Yoga. It will change your life.
  • OP (lusciousladie) said: Then: Except you are not claiming to post a "viewpoint," you are claiming to post FACTS. And the "facts" you state are wrong.
  • have you tried measuring (waist, thigh, hip circumference) rather than weighing yourself? If you are building muscle, fat may be diminishing and you are slimming down- it is just not visible on the scale.
  • My aunt took some for several weeks. After a while she noticed she was horribly constipated. No movement, nothing (there were shrimp shells or something in the pills that were supposed to "bind the fat" so she could excrete it with no gaining weight and eating whatever she wanted...) Well it got worse and worse and she…