sarahwillams0 Member


  • I have a Fitbit one. I love it. I can wear it to work, it's really accurate aswell, you get badges when you complete steps and things, and you can complete challenges with people from around the world which is really fun and compare steps with them. You can track your sleep aswell but I don't usually bother with that
  • I don't plan on doing slim fast everyday at all. I've lost a lot of weight before and never once had a shake of any sort. If I'm run off my feet, don't have time to stop for lunch, have time for breakfast ect I don't see why having a slim fast a max of 3 times a week is a bad thing?! It is what it is, maybe I should have…
  • same issue, I think that MFP tracks the calories from your steps only, as fitbit tracks calories you burn when you sleep, sit ect, we burn calories all day even when we don't do anything, that's why calories burned on fitbit app is always a lot.
  • I also got to about 9,9 and nothing more would happen, I can never seem to get past it, doesn't matter what I do, ive put on now and im 10,9 I want to get back to 9,9 and ill be using WW, at first the pounds fell off me at my heaviest, 3 or 4 pounds a week but once I hit 10,7ish I was lucky to lose half a week.
  • think ive made up my mind on this. thanks for the replies
  • i did weight watchers and we seem to be as fussy as each other! I just ate what I used to eat but cut out snacking, sweets, biscuits ect. plan what youre going to eat and calculate how many points you have left for a treat or a snack if you want one. I would get to the evening and really fancy a snack, so if I had a few…
  • Look I haven't actually done it,and even if I had it wouldn't matter, I was asking for people opinions on it and if it works, unfortunately this post has turned into making snide remarks. I'll think twice about asking for advice on here again!
  • Well looks like I won't be doing the shakes! As I am a fussy eater, I eat no vegetables, I struggle to find food that isn't a ready meal, that I can eat within 10 minutes when I'm at work
  • I lost a lot of weight a few years ago. I went from a size 16 to a size 10/12, as my jobs changed and ive gone from having a very active job where I was on my feet all the time to now spending a lot of time sitting down ive slowly started to pile the pounds back on. My excuse has always been, When the jeans that are to big…
  • Hey guys, add me. :) need some serious motivation to stop myself quiting.... Again!!!
  • I'm new aswell so feel free to add me everyone :)