


  • tropic80girl
    tropic80girl Posts: 50 Member
    Look I haven't actually done it,and even if I had it wouldn't matter, I was asking for people opinions on it and if it works, unfortunately this post has turned into making snide remarks. I'll think twice about asking for advice on here again!

    Although some of the self professed experts can get a little blunt with their responses please don't let that keep you from reaching out. The only stupid question is the one that you don't ask. As for an answer to your original question, I used them for a time on a previous weight loss journey until I was forced to look at my sugar (insulin resistance) which pretty much sealed the deal that I would no longer be a SlimFast supporter. As for quick, ready to go, one of my favorites is the StarKist tuna kits, or a healthy Choice steamer meal (if you have microwave access), or as others have stated, planning ahead. I pack my lunch and breakfast everyday as my work is literally within 100 yards of McDonalds, Chic-Fil-A, and the damn pancake house making bacon every morning. Good luck on your journey and find what works for you!
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Look I haven't actually done it,and even if I had it wouldn't matter, I was asking for people opinions on it and if it works, unfortunately this post has turned into making snide remarks. I'll think twice about asking for advice on here again!

    You actually asked numerous questions. You asked if anyone is using got some answers. You asked if it was a good got some answers. You asked for advice, which you got. Then you asked if it would work. Work for what?

    Not sure what kind of advice you thought you would get though as I didn't see any snide remarks. Just truthful ones. MFP isn't a fan of meal replacement shakes as it kinda goes against the point of counting your calories.

    Where did OP say she wasn't counting her calories? Why can you not count the calories in a slimfast shake? What is inherently wrong with drinking a slimfast shake a day? If she drinks one during the day, enjoys it, and stays at a deficit for weight loss, why is it a bad idea?

    Also, why do you and one other poster get to dictate what the MFP community deems as right or wrong? I keep meal replacement shakes in my refrigerator and have absolutely NO issue with losing weight. Some mornings I'm running late for work and don't have time to scramble eggs and fry bacon so I grab one and go. I log it and move on.

    I agree that opinions were given on the subject and there's no sense in complaining about advice being given, but please, please don't speak for all of us. Especially with backwards thinking like "don't drink your calories" from gia07.

    I'm not speaking for all of you. I am speaking for the community, and in a community, majority rules. The majority of people are not fans of meal replacement shakes. As for the "drinking your calories" bit. I can agree that I don't necessarily agree with what Gia posted, but I understand what she meant. Eat food. Don't drink food, and yes, I do agree with that. If she was using Slimfast as a supplement (which it sounds like you are doing) then fine, but she is talking about replacing a meal a day with Slimfast (which is pretty crappy anyway). That's what I am not a fan of....meal replacements. Sorry you disagree.

    If you disagree with the point of a meal replacement shake, fine. Why does that make it wrong though? If the point of losing weight for the long haul is to find sustainable life changes, why can't a meal replacement shake be one of those changes? I wouldn't drink one a day (especially for lunch), but if OP finds it to be convenient, filling (for the meantime until she can eat solid food for another meal), and fit it in her day, why is it the wrong practice? If it's all about CICO (which IS part of what the MFP community professes and I agree with), why is it wrong?

    We can agree that Slimfast is not a desirable daily meal, but that doesn't make it wrong for somebody else.
  • sarahwillams0
    sarahwillams0 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't plan on doing slim fast everyday at all. I've lost a lot of weight before and never once had a shake of any sort. If I'm run off my feet, don't have time to stop for lunch, have time for breakfast ect I don't see why having a slim fast a max of 3 times a week is a bad thing?! It is what it is, maybe I should have stated that I wasnt planning on only drinking shakes to survive.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I don't plan on doing slim fast everyday at all. I've lost a lot of weight before and never once had a shake of any sort. If I'm run off my feet, don't have time to stop for lunch, have time for breakfast ect I don't see why having a slim fast a max of 3 times a week is a bad thing?! It is what it is, maybe I should have stated that I wasnt planning on only drinking shakes to survive.

    If that's the case, get a good protein powder and a multivitamin. That will be a better "replacement" than Slimfast.