

  • I know. I always maintain on 1600 calories when I'm sedentary, which is why I'm confused about this sudden gain.
  • I counted the entire meal as 1200 calories. I had a bowl of white rice (400), stir fry veggies (250), tofu (350) and I added a few extra phantom calories. I'm pretty sure I overestimated the veggie calories too. If the meal was more than that, I'm never eating at a restaurant ever again in my life haha
  • Oh, I didn't think of that. I have been having rather bad stomach pains too and a lot of bloating. Maybe it's a digestive issue. I'm going to up my fibre this week and hopefully that'll help. I just needed reassurance that I didn't really gain 4 pounds of fat from eating at maintenance (1600!).
  • I'm guessing it's because of all the preservatives and salt in them that's not too good for your body. I don't really mind them though. But every time I mention canned foods on weight loss websites/etc, people start asking me why I'm eating those things at all. :/
  • Wow! So good to hear that you've managed to take control of your eating and stop the binging. I believe my binges started when I started restricting my calories to lose weight (I was impatient and stupid and I regret it so much now). I originally thought it was a emotional/boredom thing, and started studying again to…
  • Hi. I am seeing a psychiatrist and a therapist for my binge eating - both of whom refuse to diagnose me with anything (not just my disordered eating, but my anxiety too). They are treating me for BED and anxiety but they've not officially diagnosed me with them. I don't even know why. I asked my therapist and she said…
  • I definitely want to stop this food addiction right now, right this instant. But the thoughts and urges are so overwhelming. I feel like the only way to control my urges is to stop doing every day things and to just lock myself in my room all day and try to distract myself. But that's a short-term solution. Everyone seems…
  • I did. I went to see a MD who referred me to a psychiatrist who laughed when I told him my problem. I have a lot of bad experiences with people who work in the medical field but after that incident, I refuse to see another doctor about this problem. Perhaps a more holistic approach might help. No one will take me seriously…
  • Thank you so much, guys. I don't know why I couldn't control my emotions earlier. I guess I was really disappointed in myself for losing control for so many days like that. At least I know now to not binge like that again. I'm thinking of losing to 114-115 instead of 110. Maybe I'm not meant to be at that weight. Thank you…
  • Thank you. But I can't believe this happened. It took me such a long time to lose the weight. Such a long time and I was so happy maintaining my weight. I can't believe it took less than two weeks to undo so much of hard work. I can't go through this weight loss journey again. It was hell. I can't believe I have to go…
  • Just two weeks to undo that much of weight gain? There's even a possibility that I could have underestimated the calories in some of the days. I'm shaking so much right now, is it possible that I could have gained 7 to 8 actual pounds in under two weeks? It took me 3 months to lose that much of weight. Did I really gain…
  • My binges were quite large though. Scarily large. I remember the calories I consumed on all those days too (rounded off though). 2500, 4800, 5000, 4000, 4000, 4500, 2200 (still binged but managed to stop myself halfway), 2800 and 3500. And I had two other binge days a few days before these ones, both days totaling up to…
  • I was maintaining. I stopped counting calories after I lost the weight I wanted but I usually eat anywhere around 1200-2000 calories. Usually on the lesser side on weekdays, and more on Friday-Sunday, and I'm not the most active person either.
  • But my binges were 3500 calories and above for most of the days - a bit embarrassing to admit, but it was really out of control and I feel awfully greedy about it now. I think I've been restricting my intake a bit too much lately, and that's probably what triggered my binges. I'm just a bit shy that someone might notice my…