ChantalO89 Member


  • Well since your 25 and a female..the best multi-vitamin for you to take is a pre-natal vitamin. They say that all women of child-bearing age should take it, just in case.. and they have all your body needs and more. I take it and feel so more energized.
  • I used to drink pop all the time..especially at work . But I stopped by first drinking diet with my alchoholic bevarages! Now I do not drink all the time but it was a little 'bump' that got me used to the taste. And now I drink water with lemon slices, maybe one diet a day and I also find that V8 fruit juices are great…
  • I know everyone probably has this recipe but have to have it for the crockpot!! Chili 4oz Ground Turkey 1 cup Onion Chopped 1 cup Green Pepper Chopped 2 cans of Dark Red Kidney Beans 1 can of Crushed Tomatoes 3 tsp of Chili Powder 1 tsp of Garlic 1 tsp of Black Pepper Mix all together in crockpot...6-8 hours on low..YuM!!!!
  • Thanks guys!! I also figured that I would have more energy if got off this extra weight..i work nights 12 hour shifts.. 7p to 7a.. and i only do three days a week but when i am home..all i want to do is lay around! ahhhhhh...drives me crazy!!!
  • congrats girl!! I think the hardest part is changing your lifestyle and sticking to it..I just graduated this past May and I quickly realized that those 4 years not only cost me money but also my weight and health!! I am an ER nurse and I see everyday what could happen to me..that is really what got me going!