Rmarshall1184 Member


  • Go for it! You know if you earned it or not. And especially since you actually factored it into your range. I cheat once a week. its a mental break, reward, and helps the metabolism. When your dieting and working out, the boost in calories and sugar can actually "jump start" your metabolism.
  • Welcome! You made a great step in trying this site out. I stumbled upon it, and my wife has made great progress since I showed it to her. It can be a pain to get used to entering everyday lol but it helps once you get used to it. Eating too little can backfire and cause weight gain. In my opinion it is good to go really…
  • Your caloric needs (maintenance, weight lose, or weight gain) is based on your weight. Of course there is your muscle mass, daily activity level, natural metabolism, body type, etc. to consider but baseline is just weight. So when you hit your caloric goal, you should re-adjust your needs based on your new weight. In my…
  • I smear it on rice cakes and baby carrots. Yes, rice cakes! I know its such a cliche diet food, but its only 7 g carbs and good excuse to have hummus. Thats only like 15 g of carbs all together with th hummus. I too recently found I like garlice hummus. My 6 year old picked it out, and I made a face. Now the whole family…