PhiloVance Member


  • Kelloyal, I've been on BP meds for the last 10 years. Losing weight helps, but it may not be enough to allow you to quit the medication. Your doctor will take you off it only if your BP responds to the weight loss to the point where you don't need it. There are *many* effective medications for hypertension. If the one you…
  • If you don't get takeout that often, it doesn't make that much difference. Even if your estimates are off, you can't do that much damage to a diet with just one or two meals once in a while. Just make sure that you record accurately when you have reliable numbers. Obsessing will undermine your diet more quickly than…
  • I find that many of the database entries that are entered by MFP users are missing data. I think some folks are interested only in calories, so that's all they enter. Others are tracking calories, fats and maybe carbs, so that's all they enter, and so on. Very few are watching potassium, so that one is frequently omitted.…