

  • I just wanted to follow up. First thanks again everyone here is so cool. My last swim was 10x100 (75 back, 25 free) I'll keep this pattern for a while, until I feel I can do 50/50.
  • Thank you all for the advice. So what I've gathered so far, it doesn't appear that I'll hurt myself physically by only doing backstroke. However, I really should add at least a crawl, and other strokes when I learn them, even if it's only a small amount.
  • Well for me...I currently swim, indoors at the gym pool, and use the ceiling elements to keep me in my lane and know when I'm close to the end of the pool. Skylight edge, fire sprinkler heads, and the like. The pool, at least when I'm there, has never been busy enough that I'd have to share the lane with another. Not sure…
  • Thanks christullos for that. I never even thought about it. I re-figured and they did go down a bit. I don't think I'd gone far enough to be a problem , but thanks for pointing it out.