sane_again Member


  • Thanks! I'll try that!
  • So far so good, Curious! Day 5 and feeling good. My biggest problem is lack of calories. I know counting calories isn't part of this diet, but I find it keeps me more accountable. I have odd work hours and sometimes have to go 4-6 hours without eating. Makes it hard to even hit 1000 calories on C1.
  • My husband and I started on C1 today. We've had great success with the 17 DD in the past, but haven't been motivated for the past 18 months. I'm totally ready to get healthy and feel better again! Glad to find y'all here!
  • I'm back again! First day on C1 today. I realize, once again, that I keep my body in starvation mode most of the time. I'd forgotten how much eating is involved in this diet!
  • Thank you. I did see some posts about the unsweetened almond milk and picked some up at last night. I wanted to have some chai tea, which I mix half/half with skim milk, so looking forward to trying it with the almond milk!