Tofuli Member


  • Its terribly sad. And if those in developed countries didn't drive the demand for animal products there would be enough plant based foods to feed the entire world too.
  • Its just named milk like we have plant based cheeses/milks etc. Not in a biological sense you're right, but it isn't really important what you call it as long as it doesn't hurt anyone to produce it :smile:
  • Propaganda? Propaganda would be for my own good, I am not vegan for myself I am vegan for bigger issues. And yes, I know they make other dairy products from it but seriously what pointless reasoning to drink something if you're just going to remove most of it before you drink it anyway.
  • I lost at that rate between august and january and lost 35 pounds :smile: just stick to your calorie goal!
  • Cow's milk in general is not needed, and skimmed milk is one of the most ridiculous food products out there (I don't mean it in a rude way, most people buy into it because it is so heavily marketed). We do not 'need' anything from cows, cows milk is the product of a cow that has just given birth to a baby and is producing…
  • I agree with this. Its a good thing!
  • You do not need to eat meat to get iron. You're also getting a lot of nasties in there with it too, cholesterol and sat fat and also a tonne of cruelty and environmental damage. Supplements maybe but you can get lots and lots of iron in plants, you just need bigger quantities of them than you do red meat (a good thing for…
  • Vegan here for over 2 years and veggie for 5 before that! Anybody add me if they'd like :smile:
  • Add me! Logged everyday for the last 185 days :smile:
  • Thanks for the advice everyone! Sorry for not replying sooner I only just found the notifications bit haha. I guess it is more of a mental thing, getting used to the idea of not being at a deficit. I am going to just try increasing slowly, averaging about 1300 for the past week or so and haven't seen any gains/losses yet.…
  • Just do it!
  • Fruit is seriously the least of your worries! I always go way over. It's only been 9 days that's probably your issue, sometimes it can take your body a while to adjust and there are normal fluctuations that might be hiding loss. Again if you're not weighing your food though, make sure you start doing that! Good luck :smile:
  • I agree that scare tactics are not a good thing. However the whole bit about it not being addictive is inaccurate, people use physically addictive drugs but still don't do them constantly with no control. To be honest they're are probably more people who can't stop eating sugar than those who can't stop doing physically…
  • Don't eat meat then!
  • Yes. Our digestive systems are more suited to a plant based diet. Also no cholesterol/low sat fat. I think you can be unhealthy and veggie/vegan but as long as you replace meat protein with plant based protein you are probably going to be healthier. That being said I am mostly advocating veganism which seems more likely to…
  • Slowly introduce more of them into your diet, put them in heavily flavoured foods like curry or chilli or blend them into heavily flavoured soups and smoothies. I can't help too much though because I love love love veggies, like basically every single one! But I used to hate them when I was younger..
  • Boyfriend is 6ft2 and 140 pounds! He literally cannot put on weight, he even tried using mfp to gain weight and was eating upwards of 3000 calories and somedays 5000 and actually lost weight over the period... he's been tested for coeliacs and other conditions and eats a very healthy diet with lots of healthy protein and…