

  • My cal limit is 1200. On average I burn about 900-1500 cals from exercise. I never eat them all back, but I do try to eat about half back otherwise I find that I feel weak, and I also get migraines frequently. Eating them back in small quantities helps boost your metabolism, so I suggest eating them back for the most part.
  • I'm 19 will be 20 in October 5'4 CW 249 Goal 150-130
  • I'm Aundrea. I'm nineteen. I've had a difficult life, but then again haven't we all? Growing up my mom was a drunk and had a slew of abusive boyfriends.. My dad committed suicide when I was eight.. I guess I started "eating my feelings". When I was fourteen I started dating a guy that was extremely abusive.. I was…
  • I'm Aundrea. I'm nineteen soon to be twenty. I'm aiming to lose 80-100 pounds. I've been off and on anti depressants for several years now and they've made me have out of control weight issues. I'm getting married in May and would love to support and be supported by anyone that is extremely dedicated.Add me. =]
  • My wedding is in May, and I dont want to look back and think, "Man, I look awful." I know that's kind of shallow, but there's more behind it. I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality disorder along with PTSD, and I have no sense of self worth because of things people said throughout the years that I went through trauma.…