dedpetal Member


  • I love bicycling!!! I love yoga!!! I don't mind running, but like you, it's hard to get started. Literally, it hurts my calves for the first quarter mile, then i'm all good. I've done 2 sprint Tri's, but have switched over to duathlons this season. I'm not a strong swimmer, and open water swimming intimidates me. Biking…
  • the studio I go to offers Power Vinyasa Yoga...90 degrees. I DID pass out the first time! My fault completely, I totally underestimated the heat, was really busy that afternoon so barely ate, drank minimal water, and to make it worse, actually drank a cup of coffee an hour and a half before....recipe for disaster. My…
  • yeppers. 80% healthy foods 20% treats=success!!!
  • I'm only gonna answer based on what I think, and I think yes, it matters. You can eat a bag of doritos, and drink some coke with it and nothing else for the day and probably be within your allotted calories, but you won't be giving your body what it needs. You would probably still lose weight, but maybe your blood pressure…
  • that's a real drag. I can't say there is anyone like that in my life, thankfully. I've been the rock for my mom who is currently down 40 pounds (go mom!!!), I couldn't imagine saying anything negative to her like that that might derail her efforts. That is definitely not a friend, do not listen to a word she says!!!!!!
  • You've got the right idea for sure. I do not belong to a gym, but I've heard that some offer daycare while you workout, maybe that is an option?