

  • You should get yourself a pair of Bandelettes (www.bandelettes.com). I had the same issue of my thighs chafing when I would wear skirts, short, and dresses but since buying my Bandelettes I have not suffered from inner thigh chafing. Bandelettes are very breathable and they stay in place with silicone. You should…
  • I've had this same issue for years and used bike shorts, deodorants, and what not. These honestly were a pain to me, making sure I always had deodorant on hand or wearing bike shorts with all it's extra layering. However, after doing a little research I cam across Bandelettes and I have to say they are absolutely wonder.…
  • I personally use Bandelettes to prevent chaffing. If you buy the correct size they stay in place keeping you from chaffing. You should try Bandelettes out , they come in many different sizes and colors. www.bandelettes.com
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