Thigh blisters and chafing



  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,039 Member
    Oh my goodness, I just realized that this no longer happens to me! Wow! thanks for the NSV! The leggings or compression shorts will indeed cure the problem until one day when you realize the problem is gone. You are ten pounds closer to that time than you were when you started.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    Body Glide is's beyond me how the stuff has gained such a following. It works poorly and not for long...then 2/3 down a stick the stuff crumbles off. Expensive mess. For the same price get a bottle of Sport Shield roll-on. It will last 2-3x as long as a stick of Body Glide and not leave you raw. I first learned about the stuff from an ultra runner. 2 Toms also makes Blister Shield sock powder, which is fabulous for long runs. I haven't had a blister in years, not even after running marathons.
  • fluffylittlecloud
    Anti-Monkey Butt comes in powder and in a tube. My husband uses it ALL the time for work because he is very active with his job. It is the ONLY thing that has worked for him!!!! It's the funniest stuff ever, but it works!!!! Also, he will sometimes use the "ButtPaste" stuff from the baby department if we can't find the Monkey Butt.
  • vrb9181
    vrb9181 Posts: 3
    I personally use Bandelettes to prevent chaffing. If you buy the correct size they stay in place keeping you from chaffing. You should try Bandelettes out , they come in many different sizes and colors.