

  • Hi All - Just saw this and hope I'm not too late to join. I started MFP last week and did pretty good....till the weekend!! So, starting over today. I'm new to the site, so please feel free to "friend" me, could use the support! On my way to check out :)
  • I'm 5'6 and 175 - I never had a real problem with weight until around 5 years ago - I got pregnant, quit smoking and took up eatting!! and I have a sweet tooth to boot. Just found this site and am hoping that talking to people in similar situations will help keep me going - I'm soooo done with this extra weight! I'd like…
  • Count me in. I think I will have to limit my dairy count to 1 serving a day, but I'm psyched for the miles motivation and just getting started. This is my first time on the site and I'm so ready for the challenge - thanks!
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