5'4" - 5'6" 165-180 pounds?

SenseAtional Posts: 134
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Add me as a friend! I'm looking for some motivation from ladies with a similar body type. And it would be nice to see how others are progressing as well. I'm looking to lose around 45 pounds, so I'd like to be friends with anyone with similar goals as well.


  • mimstero
    mimstero Posts: 119 Member
    I am 5' 6" and started at 181. A year before that I was at 189.8. I am down to 159 now and am looking to hit 155. I think I can maintain that weight and can wear about a size 10. I never thought that would happen!! Good luck! This website is the best and I recommend it to anyone!
  • I am 5'4" . When I started on MFP I was 162, but now I am 146. I have about 6 lbs left to lose, even though my original goal was 144.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm 5'5.5" and currently weigh about 170. I'm looking to lose about 30-45 pounds depending on how I look and feel, but I just got pregnant so I won't be losing much for a while. But, I'm always around for support!
  • jodi1229
    jodi1229 Posts: 43 Member
    I am 5'6" and I started out at 184. I now weigh 159 and want to lose at least 15 more and then see how I feel. I lost 10 lbs on my own before I found mfp, but since I started here it has been so helpful!!
  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    I *almost* fit into the category. I'm 5'4" but 181 (darn that pesky pound!). I think it'd be nice to know some people with similar goals. I really need to get focused and start making something happen. My biggest problem is food. I know what I SHOULD eat, but often make the wrong choice :grumble: Hopefully having the support of others who understand will help me and I can develope better habits.

    So please friend me if you like :smile:
  • I'm 5'6 and 175 - I never had a real problem with weight until around 5 years ago - I got pregnant, quit smoking and took up eatting!! and I have a sweet tooth to boot. Just found this site and am hoping that talking to people in similar situations will help keep me going - I'm soooo done with this extra weight! I'd like to lose 35 pounds, and I'd like to do it by Oct (Florida vacation).
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    I'm 5' 5" and 185 but hopefully not for long!!

    Ideally I'd like to drop 1lb a week, consistently, but I know what my body is like when I'm trying to loose weight, and it doesn't always work like that!!! Its too miserly and won't let anything go! haha :laugh:

    This is the first time I've tried a lower carb/ higher fat and protien type approach though along with counting cals to keep an eye on my portion sizes.

    Idealy I'd like to drop 50lbs altogether! A nice difference this time is that I realise its gonna take a while and I'm not gonna be disappointed if I don't see a loss every week! I know our bodies aren't machines and can only do what they can do, so I'm sure it'll all balance itself out in the end!

    I've set myself a mini goal of loosing 10 lbs by the end of the summer here in the UK (I.E: beginning of September) :smile:

    I can't do a lot of hardcore/ high impact stuff owing to back/ knee problems and I have M.E./ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, so I have to be very careful at not pushing myself too far, or else I'm looking at 2 days of bed rest and painful joints!!:sick:

    However!! I'm very excited about changing my eating habits and finally kicking the sugar habit!! Something I've had very badly since childhood!! I've kicked the smoking (just under a year ago) and the caffiene, now its the turn for sugar and other refined carbs to get lost!! :happy: :happy:

    Wishing everyone best of luck and will love to be part of this group! :smile:
    Ales xx
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I "almost" fit here too, 5'4" and 183 pounds. I'd like to drop 50 pounds also by October which is our 10th Wedding anniversary. I would be happy with 30 though which is what I weighed when we met.
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    You can add me!! I am 5'6" and I started at 205 I am now 176 and set my origianal goal to be 150 but I think maybe 140 might be good I will see when I get to 150 :)
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    I am 5'6" and I started at 186.6 and am now 173. I am looking to be at 145 but I think i will be happy with a size ten, no matter what my weight ends up being when I get there. Feel free to add me!
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    I am 5' 6" and started at 181. A year before that I was at 189.8. I am down to 159 now and am looking to hit 155. I think I can maintain that weight and can wear about a size 10. I never thought that would happen!! Good luck! This website is the best and I recommend it to anyone!

    Is that bike in your picture a Honda VTX? My husband just got one a couple of weeks ago..and I think its the same color you have! Is that an orange color?
  • DJ31
    DJ31 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm 5'5" and currently 160, but I weighed over 180 when I started losing. I would like to be 135 or so, and I love this site!
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    I know this is an older post, but I fit into this category and would like to know how you guys are doing?
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I lost 15 before our anniversary and then put back on 7 with the anniversary cruise, Thanksgiving and Christmas. :frown: But next week starts a new year and at least I am down 8 still from when I started. Every little bit helps.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Good job, McDebbie! I like your attitude for 2012.
  • Kim_08
    Kim_08 Posts: 157
    I'm 5'6 and weigh 193. My goal is 140. I use to weigh that a couple years ago, and LOVED the way I felt, but gained a lot of weight back! I've just started the program.. but I'm going to stay focused for 2012 - that is my new year's resolution! Good luck to you!
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    Hello! I'm 5'4.5" and I weigh 170lbs. I started out at 205lbs though.
  • Jessies_journey
    Jessies_journey Posts: 131 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'4.75" Started MFP at 187 - currently 153-155. Looking to get down to 135-140.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    5'-5.5" tall, 181 lbs, 36 years old

    My highest ever was 13 years ago at 213 lbs.
    My lowest (since high school) was 8 years ago at 169 lbs.
    My over-portioned, processed, bread-loving food habits working out only 3 times a week have settled me in at an 188 lbs average.

    My story - in high school, I was active in sports but would always gain 10 lbs during every summer while I wasn't in sports.
    Sophomore - 135 + 10 in summer
    Junior - 145 + 10 in summer
    Senior - 155 + 10 after basketball + 15 summer before college
    College - 180 + another 10 lbs! = 190 + beer + fast food + beer + no exercising + beer = 213 lbs!

    At 152, I would have an acceptable BMI so that is my goal. Once I hit that...
    142 lbs would rock, but I would love to see if I could be...
    132 lbs but I don't know how realistic that goal is for me.

    PLEASE FEEL FREE to honeslty comment on my goals based on your own experiences. It is great that you guys are all similar in weight and I would LOVE to know if 142 is possible, is 132 possible?
  • 5'-5.5" tall, 181 lbs, 36 years old

    My highest ever was 13 years ago at 213 lbs.
    My lowest (since high school) was 8 years ago at 169 lbs.
    My over-portioned, processed, bread-loving food habits working out only 3 times a week have settled me in at an 188 lbs average.

    My story - in high school, I was active in sports but would always gain 10 lbs during every summer while I wasn't in sports.
    Sophomore - 135 + 10 in summer
    Junior - 145 + 10 in summer
    Senior - 155 + 10 after basketball + 15 summer before college
    College - 180 + another 10 lbs! = 190 + beer + fast food + beer + no exercising + beer = 213 lbs!

    At 152, I would have an acceptable BMI so that is my goal. Once I hit that...
    142 lbs would rock, but I would love to see if I could be...
    132 lbs but I don't know how realistic that goal is for me.

    PLEASE FEEL FREE to honeslty comment on my goals based on your own experiences. It is great that you guys are all similar in weight and I would LOVE to know if 142 is possible, is 132 possible?


    I think both 142 and 132 are absolutely possible. You'll see so many success stories here on MFP about people who have weighed more than both of us and have hit those goals.

    I'm a law student and during my first year of law school, due to the stress and exhaustion and never leaving the library, I gained at least 20-25 pounds. At the end of my first year, I weighed in at 195 - the most I've ever weighed. I couldn't even look at myself. I'm now in my last year of law school (5 months to go!!), and weigh 170. It's been a long road for me to get those 25 pounds off, but I want to look good when I graduate, so I've set a new goal of losing another 20 pounds by graduation, which comes out to 4-5 pounds a month for the next several months. When I lose those 20 pounds, I'll also be at the "healthy" BMI, and like you, I want to lose more after that. I think setting these mini-goals really helps, because setting a goal of weighing 132 can be quite daunting at times and may even cause you to want to give up. The mini-goals are reasonable and attainable and keep your motivation up.

    Support from the MFP community, family, and friends is also crucial. I make sure that my friends and family know that I'm trying to lose weight. If they don't know, it will easily sabotage my diet. When I go to visit, my mom will nag me to eat certain food that she's made (that's not so healthy), but I stay firm with her and explain that I want to be healthy and refuse to eat that, and she's finally got the picture and doesn't try to force me to eat that stuff. My friends know I'm trying to stay on track, so when we go out to eat, they always try to choose a healthier place, or at least a place with healthy options. Seeing success stories on MFP and MFP friends showing their support and encouragement is also a huge motivator.

    Logging in every day really forces me to be accountable and keeps me thinking about my health at all times. I also write a blog that's about various aspects of my life, but also includes my weight loss journey and exercise regimen. I've found it to be pretty therapeutic and it really encourages me to go further when I get good feedback on it. It's not for everyone, but if you like, you can follow my blog here: http://www.mywalletisfatnotme.com/

    These are just my 2 cents... It's different for everyone, but I hope it helps! I know we can all meet our goals and definitely make it out of the range in the title of this topic. Good luck with your weight loss!

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